Chapter I

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Evelyn was a girl from a very distant and small town that was miles away from any city or areas with big population. All her life it had been her, her dad, her mom, and her older brother, jimin. Until one day their mom went out into the town to purchase some food when she disappeared and was never seen. This left her and her family heartbroken and made it hard to earn money, so her father had to make the decision to move to New York City. The big Apple.

I was nervous, I wasn't used to living in a big city where tourists would pay loads of cash just to go up an elevator and look at the city from a tall building. I was in a whole different world from the little town I grew up in. I was only in 10th grade so I had awhile until I could go live wherever I seemed to like. I was going to be attending a private school, which is really expensive and hard to get into. I still don't know why my dad payed so much when he knows he's short on money, but I can't really do anything but do well so that money spent doesn't go to waste. In my old town our schools had uniforms, as well as here. I've been told some rumors about the city like it's dangerous and the students are really snobby and disrespectful to the others but I brushed them off, like no one really knew unless they came. We lived about 12 hours away from the big Apple so the place ride was going to take awhile. I opened my journal and started writing. Writing has always been one of my passions, I've always loved to take a pen and a book and just start writing what I feel, even if it's just one word, I've always loved it. I feel like writing has the same meaning that a photo has, except deeper. With a photo you look and remember that time, remember with the little memory of it you have left. But with writing, it's like you're reliving that moment, all the small details, like when you first smelled the brand new cakes from the bakery while you walked to school, or how the texture of foam on your skin when you bathed. Those things a photo can't capture, it can't capture the specific feeling you felt then at that very moment. So that's why writing has always been something I've loved, it's a way to relive. Thinking was something I did a lot too, being alone in my mind, enjoying the peace and quiet while you debate the smallest things, like why the sky gets that beautiful color when the sun it's about to set, it's Science obviously, but you don't really see it in that perspective, I don't anyway, I see it as the sun showing it's beauty before letting the moon have its turn. Anyway I'm going on about my stupid thoughts, i started writing small little poems, things that went on in my head. A few hours went past and I was finishing up a small short story I got an idea for, when the pilot spoke on the intercom saying that we should get comfortable as there's still awhile to go. I closed my journal and looked outside, it was night time so the stars had their time to shine, literally. It was beautiful, the clouds covering the shimmer they gave off but the moon owning the show. I had to use the bathroom so I got up being careful not to hurt my dad while trying to get out. I got out and headed to the bathroom but didn't see a young man walk by and I bumped into him, "oh I'm so sorry sir I hope I didn't hurt you." I said with a concerned voice, he said in a sweet voice "don't worry I'm okay." I didn't look up to see his face as I was mostly embarrassed for not noticing him while I walked. I made a small gap and let go through and continued my way to the bathroom. Few minutes later I got out and headed back to my seat. Waiting for the hours of being in the air to go by, so I could greet my new home, the big Apple.
Hi everyone! This is my first story on this account and I hope you guys like it. I know it's short the chapters will get longer but for now this one will be pretty short. I hope you guys like it uwu.
Also who do you think the mystery guy is?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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