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   I had so many worksheets due tomorrow, I don't even think I'll be able to finish it.
   "Nicole?" Mr.Smith had his eyes staring at me. I was completely zoned out I forgot I was even in class. Kids started to giggle. I shot my eyes over to him, realizing I wasn't paying attention at all.
   "Pay attention hon." He said, as he went back to talking about something about the French.. or.. I'm not even sure what we are learning at this point. I'm basically failing his class.
   "So you will be given a project due by the end of the week. You'll have to explain all of the American Revolution, and make it like a poster. Add drawings and they won't count if they aren't colored."
   My anxiety starts to overwhelm me. I can't focus on anything anymore. I can feel the tears threatening to come out, making my vision blurry. I could feel my heart rate increase and I felt I couldn't breathe. I have way too much shit to do, I'm probably just going to drop out.
   I step out my seat and walk straight out the door and down the hall. I just needed to find a room to cry in for awhile and calm down. I start going down another hall to a bathroom rarely used by anyone. My vision is still blurry from my teary eyes.
   "Hey, Nicole." I heard a familiar voice say. I look up from the ground and see a person walking towards me, though I couldn't quite make out who it was. I walked faster trying to get away from whoever it was. I just needed to be alone.
   As I start speed walking faster down the hall, the person reaches his arm out, stopping me in my tracks.
    "Nicole, what's going on? Are you ok?"
   I see who it is now. Henry, my crush. His deep brown eyes looked into mine, which now had tears streaming out and down my cheeks. I started full on crying, trying to cover my face with my hands. Henry pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me as one stroked my long, blonde hair.
   "Shh, it's ok." He said, trying to comfort me. I sobbed into his shoulder, hugging him tight. Why was my crush hugging me? Why was he caring?
   "Come with me, I don't think you want to be crying in a hallway with other possible people." Henry said as he took my hand into his and led me down the hall into a printer room, shutting the door and locking it behind us as we walk in. I sat down onto a table, wiping my hand on my face to get rid of the tears.
   "Nikki, what's wrong." Henry asked using my nickname, sounding concerned, as he held my hands and stood in front of me.
   I looked into his brown eyes, seeing them look back into mine with kindness and concern.
   "School is just stressing me out so much. I mean all this work and projects due in the same week, and me failing like three of my classes it's just so stressful I can't take it." I opened up to my crush. I bet he's judging me hardcore right now. Thinks I'm some loser because I'm failing classes and crying like a weakling.
   "It's ok, Nicole. Things get better, it just takes time." Henry said, looking into my eyes still, with my hands still in his, not letting go.
   I stared at him, admiring every speck of his face. His dirty blonde hair swept back, and his nicely tanned skin. His jawline mm god. Angels swept him up perfectly.
   He let go one of my hands and brought his hand up to my face, swiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. His touch was all I needed. He looked down at my lips and back into my eyes. He leaned in slowly and his face was right in front of mine. He smelled like vanilla, must be his cologne or he just smells perfect naturally because he's just so perfect. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. His face was so close to mine. He brought his hand to the side of my face, his other still holding mine. He looked into my eyes, asking for permission. I moved my face forward, closing the gap. Feeling his lips on mine. My body was on fire as he kissed me back. Henry's lips were soft, as he kissed softly onto mine. He bit my lower lip lightly before letting go of the kiss. We pulled away breathless from what just happened.
   "That was.."
   "Amazing." I finished his sentence.
  He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me off the table.
   "You think you can get back to class?" Henry asked me, his hands still on my waist.
   "Yeah, thank you." I told him. He kissed my forehead and opened the door. I walked down back to my class and he walked back to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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