I'll be waiting

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I was running late. I was always running late. Today it was important, though. Today was the day my boss said something good was going to happen. I couldn't be late for anything my boss concidered good, but here I was, throwing myself through the doors of my office at MTv, dropping what I assumed were important papers everywhere and russing to get into my bosses room.

As I finnally aproached the large blue doors to his office, I slowed my pace, fixed my hair, and told myself to look happy, no matter what happens. I force myself to open the doors and find my boss typing away at his desk.

My boss's name was George. He had always had a soft spot for me, because he knew my family. He had known me sence I was just a small little girl.

"Running late as always, Allie." He says, looking up at me with a grin.

"Fashionably late, is what I like to call it." I smirk. He laughs a bit and then motions for me to take a seat and I do.

"So, Allie, today is a very big deal for you. Ya see, there's this new british boy band. MTv is doing an exclusive program on their new life here in the US, and I need you to go direct with the crew. Help them tape what needs to be heard, what the veiwers want to know. Sound good?" He looks up at me. I nod.

"One tiny problem, Sir." I say. "You didn't tell me where they were, WHO they were, or how long I would be there." He looks down at his notes.

"Erm... You'll be living at their secluded beach house near Miami, California." Which by the way, was a conciderable ways away considering I worked in New York. "Uhm, there names are Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam and Niall. The band is called One Direction." Never heard of them. "You'll be living with them for.. 3 months or at least until the crew gets the hang of things." He looks at me.

"That sounds great." I bounce from my chair and grab the papers he was reading from.

"Great! Okay, here is your plane ticket. Go home and do your reaserch. You leave in 5 days. I'm counting on you!" He yells as I am leaving his office.

"And I won't let you down" I shout as the big blue doors close behind me.

5 days later I had boarded the plane knowing everything I needed to know for the next 3 months. Harry was the youngest and enjoyed getting naked. Liam had a strange phobia of spoons. Louis was the oldest and him and Harry have a 'bromance' that the fans call 'Larry Stylinson'. Niall was the only irish one with blond hair. Zayn was the one with the black hair and a quif. Easy.

I slept the entire plane ride and was woken by a flight attendent when I landed. I got off the plane and hopped into a taxi and enjoyed the hour long trip to the beach house. I dont think the Taxi Driver was too thrilled about it though.

When I was dropped off, I was in awe by the size of the house. It was huge. I walked up to the front door and knocked. I was greeted by the 5 most beautiful boys I had ever layed my eyes on. This was going to be an amazing three months.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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