Please, don't feed the duck

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My name is Talya. I come from Earth, in an alternate universe. Here is my testimony, so you wouldn't make the same mistakes as us. Our Earth were similar in everything. Until our actions finally back lashed, that is. Then it was the apocalypse, and nothing we did could stop it. Billions of people died, in one day, because of the unleashed elements.

In all the chaos, someone came. An alien. It had seen our distress, and it had come for help. Well. That creature had a very interesting concept of help... Instead of letting everything die, it did a great light show. Everything except humans was turned into plastic. Even water was turned into liquid plastic. That made everything freeze. So at least we wouldn't die from hurricanes.

But all the living things, animals, insects, trees, plants, had turned to plastic. So, if we didn't die of thirst, then it would be hunger, or, eventually, suffocation. Because oxygen isn't produced out of thin air, right?

The alien left and we were all suddenly hyper aware of our very limited amount of remaining oxygen. Some remained speechless, some panicked and ran in all directions, some cried hopelessly, and some... Tried to kill the others. Because less people breathing meant more oxygen for the survivors. I panicked. But then I noticed something. A plastic duck, at the exact same place the alien had appeared. And above it, an inscription. "Please don't feed the duck". If it was in any other place, I would have laugh it off, but I was sure it wasn't there before the alien came. What did it meant? Maybe the alien had turned everything to plastic because we fed wild life and oceans plastic for too many years. And, as the saying goes "you are what you eat".

Maybe what the inscription really meant was "please don't feed the duck plastic". I saw it then. A patch of grass. Actual, living grass. Ducks eat grass. I plucked off the grass in a heartbeat. The instant the grass came in contact with its beak, the plastic duck turned into an actual duck in a puff of smoke. There was a big explosion of light that spread out lightning fast, blinding everyone. And when we were able to see again... No more plastic, anywhere. Horizons of uncharted nature spread before us, and the city we were in before the alien had came had completely disappeared, letting place to forests and meadows. Everything, the air, the water, the nature, felt pure again. Unsoiled.

That's when the alien came back.

And that's how we started a collaboration with the Yaselans, who gave us a brand new planet, and lots of technology that allows me to talk to you right now. And warn you. It is still time for you to save what you can. You might not have as much luck as we did. And even if we were lucky, there's only ten millions of us now. We were eight billions...

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