Chapter 1

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The D-Team's Lab...

Reese: (It's a good thing I've still got all this data on the dinosaurs Max, Rex and Zoe turned back into cards. Now, I can have a better analysis of all 37 cards.)

She sighs.

Reese: (It's been a long time since our Dinosaur collecting adventures ended. Max and Zoe have managed to get back to there old lives. The only reason I haven't is because I was just too caught up in this line of work. Leaving it would probably scar me for life. And it doesn't help that Rex has gone back to the future. Max and Zoe barely managed to move on. But, they still have each other. I wonder if Rex is thinking about us right now. It has been over a year since we were a team. Things just seemed to break apart the moment he, Chomp and Paris left. Max and Zoe seem to be holding up well though.)

She then hears a beep.

Reese: (Perfect. Now for those special dinosaurs Doctor Z modified. Now that I think about it, it's hard to believe we were able to learn so much about the past from the future. I guess we have both Rex and Seth to thank for that. I always did want to learn more about dinosaurs. It's a shame I won't get a chance to thank them.)

She then hears another beep.

Reese: (Hmm? That's not coming from this monitor.)

She looks beside it.

Reese: (That monitor only beeps when a dinosaur's... But... that can't be, can it?)

She studies it.

Reese: (It is a dinosaur. I wonder if Max and Zoe took their Dino Holders with them on their trip. But to find it, they'd need the stones. Wait a second.)

She takes a closer look at the monitor.

Reese:(If this monitor's correct, the dinosaur should be right out... huh?)

The beeping stopped.

Reese: (... It disappeared...)

Rex: Hello?

Reese: (Hmm?)

Rex: Is anyone here?

Reese: (...)

Rex: Max, Zoe, Reese, Doctor Taylor, anybody?

Reese: (That voice... It can't be...)

Rex: (Wow... I never realised how long it's been since I last walked in here. Doesn't look like anyone's been here for quite a while. Well, at least things still look decent. It could never be as bad as Max's bedroom.)

She walks over to the rail.

Rex: Even Reese isn't here. If she's not, I doubt anyone is. Guess I'll head over to Max's house then.

Reese: Rex?

Rex: Hmm?

He looks up.

Rex: Hey, Reese!

Reese: Is... Is it really you?

Rex: It's been a long time.

Reese: ... It really is you.

Rex: Nice to see you too.

Reese: Oh. Sorry. I'm just... really surprised to see you.

Rex: Well, I couldn't let you all forget about me, could I? I asked my parents if I could come back to see you guys.

Reese: That's great.

Rex: Glad to know you haven't forgotten about me.

Reese: How could I? We're still a team you know.

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