Prologue: 'I think it's time that we wake up'

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"I'm pregnant" I told him letting out the breath I didn't realise I was holding,his eyes went wide in shock and somehow confusion, didn't he know how all this worked?

"wait you're pregnant? You can't be pregnant, I mean we used protection" he told me, I rolled my eyes "no shit don't you think I already thought of that, I've missed my last two periods Lou, I took three pregnancy tests all of them were positive and I even went to the doctor with my mum to double check, and it's true I'm  pregnant and before you question if it's yours I just wanna remind you that you're the first guy that I've ever been with" I explained to him.

"well we can't keep it right? I mean you're only 15" he said I sighed "I talked to my parents about it and they told me it's our decision whether or not we keep it, but I mean if we get rid of it it's practically killing someone, I mean it's just unnatural, I know we're both young me especially I'm not even an adult yet, but I still feel like we should keep it, I love you and I hope you love me and together we could love this child" I told him.

he stayed silent for a few minutes and that was fine it was a lot to take in, in five minutes.

"look Nikki I know what you're getting at and I feel the same way I don't believe in a abortion but I could get in serious shot for this, I mean you aren't even legal to have sex yet, I'm 18 years old and I had sex with you and that's illegal, we've only been together 8 months neither of us work and both of us have school to get on with and I know that you already know all of this but I just don't think this is the best idea for us right now, I love you but if you plan on keeping this baby I'm not going to stick around for it because I have plans for my future. My future does involve kids, but not in 9 months time, maybe in a couple of years but not now. I have no money to support you or the baby, so either you get rid of it and we forget that it ever happened and go on being the happy couple we are or you keep it and raise it alone" he said giving me choices.

I was shocked and honestly I thought he was a good guy, I didn't think he would leave me to do this all by myself.

"Then I guess this is goodbye because I can't kill someone that I'm responsible for" I told him without hesitation.

Yeah it hurt but it would hurt even more to give up this baby.

"Fine you should probably leave, I'm sorry it has to end this way, and I really wish we could still have what we have but like I said I don't want a part of this, I wish you the best of luck though" he said.

I rolled my eyes "there isn't any fight left is there, how can you say this was a happy relationship after I gave you what you wanted things went downhill from that point onwards you didn't give a shot about me did you? you just wanted to fuck me, but you felt bad so you stuck with me, I loved you, you prick how can you give this up? a chance for a family?" I yelled at him tears pricking my eyes.

"look I get you're upset" he started but I cut him of by saying "no you don't get it and I'm a little more than upset Louis" I said and with that I stormed out of his house.

and I would like to say that I didn't run home crying to my mum and dad, but I did, I felt weak, I felt used, I felt alone, and most of all I felt scared for my future.

and that day was the last day I ever saw Louis King.

hello love muffins (don't know why)

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if you like the band asking alexandria I have  a Ben Bruce fan fiction called say we can live this way forever if you'd like to check that out

more soon

I'll probably update tomorrow


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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