My secret life

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Chapter 1!!!

"Abby!"I turn around to see my best friend Mia walking into biology. She sits in the desk next to me. " Tell me all about it."

"About what?" I ask fearing she'll say what I think she will.

"You know about what. Your trip."

And there it is. The trip. I thought she might ask. Ask about what happened. Ask about what it was for. Ask who i went with, because she knew my parents stayed here. It was a sudden trip. I didn't have time to make up another story. I couldn't tell her why I had to leave when I was. And she understood. I was in a rush. But she wants to know now and I cant tell her. Not about who I really am. Not about my history. Not about anything.Not yet.

The bell rings and Mrs. Rager starts class.

"I went camping with uncle John." I lie. "Where is Josie?" I whisper desperate to change the subject.

"She vandalized the school again and got caught, so she got suspended."

"Girls no talking." Mrs. Rager warns.

"How long this time?" I whisper.

"3 weeks."Mia says.

"I give her 2 days after she gets back before she gets in trouble again." I joke.

"I give her 2 hours."

"Abby Smith?" I look up to see 3 officials, 5 police officers (one of them being the sheriff), and President Rose standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" I ask calmly.

"Your under arrest for hacking into classified government files." Rose states.

Mia stands up."I'm sorry you must be mistaking her for another Abby Smith. My Abby would never do such a thing." I don't know how shes not shocked. "Tell him he's wrong Abby." When I didn't say any thing she turned to me with a quizzical look." Tell him he's wrong."she demands. I stand up shaking my head.

"You have the right to remain silent." The sheriff says while clamping handcuffs on my hands.

Chapter 2!!!


Ive been in this bland room for 86 minutes. Nothings in here besides me, a steel table, the chair im siting on, and a clock. From watching enough TV I know that the wall in front of me is one sided, so I'm not about to say anything.

I was so focused on looking calm I didn't even see Rose come in - let alone sit in front of me.

"Abby, it has come to my attention that you are really Mariah Reyes." Rose states."Is that true?" I stay silent."Answer me, Abby." He demands.

"Why would I answer any questions?" I ask.

"Because if you don't you could be arrested." He says as if its obvious.

"I already was. wasn't I?" I ask accusingly.

"Don't play smart mouth with me." He says.

"Yes, sir." I say sarcastically.

"Answer my question." He demands again ignoring my sarcasm, and leaning on the table.

I hesitate, but make a decision."Yes. I'm Mariah Reyes." I answer honestly.

"Now. Was that so hard?"

"You have no idea." I say with a smirk.

"Who do you follow?" Rose asks me.

"I follow nobody and everybody." I just about shout.

"That makes no sense."

"Why should it?"

"God you annoy me!" He yells as he's standing up and throwing his hands in the air. He turns away for a second then turns back."Just tell us who your with and what their goal is."

"In your dreams."

Rose takes me out of the room and down a corridor. He stop at the last door on the left. Rose opens the door and what I see shocks me.

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