Planet or Plastic?

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She ran. She ran and ran. She couldn't see where she was running off to. But one thing was clear. She had to. She had to run away from it. What it was, she didn't know.

But it was sure to be electrifying from the screams ... Suddenly. Heavy footsteps.

And a death-defying roar.

But look on the bright side:-you know you have a task , she thought.

I'd better RUN!!



Zoey's parents rushed over.

"It was the nightmares again, wasn't it??" her father asked,while her mother hugged the trembling girl of sixteen, trying to comfort her.

The only thing was Zoey's mouth; it was just opening and closing yet no sound came out.

"M-m-mad m-m-monsters.." was all she could stammer.


After setting her to bed again,  her parents had a 'talk'. Of course, it was a topic to discuss. Their only child, Zoey, had been going through this for almost for a month. As a result, she couldn't sleep.

"It's going from bad to worse."her father stated, concern written over his face.

"I know." Her mother could hardly speak, the worry choking her so hard she couldn't even breathe.

"We've got to do something, John. Think of something!!I-I-I can't watch my baby grow up like this!"

The next day, Zoey went to school. But she didn't come because she wanted to.  She came because her Dad had received a call from school. The school authorities said she'd get expelled if her 'holidays' continued much longer. So here she was, at school, coming because she did NOT want to.She needed something that would actually relieve her stress. And Physics was NOT helping.

God, how was she gonna SURVIVE???

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Some of the tension died away as her teacher announced that they would all go for a trip to the beach.Maybe a swim would actually cool her nerves. But little did she know, it was going to change her whole life.


Zoey sat on the bus, thinking about her nightmares. Wasn't she too old for this? A sixteen year old on her bed crying for her mom to comfort her. If any of her school mates came by and heard of it, she promised herself would go to a cave and live there for eternity.The bus wheels screeched to a halt.

 They had arrived.


It felt great, feeling the water on her skin. None of them knew, (since none took the pains to) that she was an excellent swimmer and could stay underwater longer for about 15 mins. She marveled at the deep blue ocean. But her oxygen was almost out. She'd better get her scuba gear. She surfaced, and after gearing up, she went deeper. As she gazed, she saw something that amazed and broke her heart. An adorable baby seahorse! But with an earbud stuck in its tail. She freed him and then she came upon a turtle with his flippers stuck in a plastic bag.

Zoey knew what she had to do.

Planet or Plastic?

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