You make it so damn hard

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Tami was cooking dinner and Eric was standing drinking a beer in the kitchen talking to her

"So babe I'm going out with the girls for a few drinks tonight "

" what "

" yeah so your gonna have some fun with the kids tonight and I will be home by 11 I promise "

" so you go out for a few drinks and I babysit the kids "

" it's not babysitting when it's your own kids and anyway you always go out for drinks with buddy "

" I know but "

" no buts exactly you go out all the time I'm just going out this once "

" okay okay you have fun babe and get drunk and I will watch the kids "

" just so you know your not gonna get laid just because I'm drunk especially not tonight "

" c'mon please "

" oh your cute but it's still a no "

" gonna kiss anybody else this time "

" oh how dare you I didn't kiss anybody and glen kissed me I pushed him off "

" still didn't tell me about it "

" that's because I barely had any time to talk to you , you were so busy "

" I'm just asking is anybody else gonna kiss you tonight " he says she turns round to face him and he puts down his drink

She steps forward and kisses him passionately forcefully he puts a hand in her hair and a hand on her waist her go around his neck tongues slide in and he kisses back with the same force

That jolt of electricity coursing through both of them like usual

Tami pulls back smirking

" the only one who is ever gonna kiss me is you stupid " she says walking back to the stove

Eric still stood there shocked with a permanent smile on his face

" you can't kiss me like that and say no sex "

" oh I think I can "

" true point you can do anything with me after a kiss like that "

" keep it up and I won't be doing anything with you after that kiss "

" I love you "

" I love you too now go get the kids dinners ready " she says and he walks past slapping her ass and smirking he walks to gets the kids

" oh that idiot " she mutters putting the tea on plates

She walks through and puts the plates on the table

After dinner and the dishes tami went to get ready for going out

She came out of there bedroom

In her black maxi dress a casual one

Her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders

She looked stunning you could pick her out of a crowd of a million even if she was just acting the same as everyone else just acting normal

He couldn't take his eyes off her and it was just a casual dress

" wow you look wow "

" it's just a casual dress Eric I'm just looking natural this is me acting normal I don't want to be wow I want to be normal "

" wow is your normal tami you look natural and you look stunning and I love you very much "

" and your still not getting laid I love you too"

" just try not to get hit on or bought a drink or kissed or laid by someone else " he says jokingly

" I can't help the hit on part or bought a drink part but you seriously are saying that I would cheat on you after this long of marriage and faithfulness you think I would cheat on you , you are seriously gonna say that before I go out for drinks your gonna say don't sleep with someone else and don't kiss someone else you think I would do that , you don't trust me "

" I never said any of that I was joking because you look so damn hot why are you taking it so seriously of course I know you wouldn't cheat , of course I trust you "

" we'll you think about your little joke and I am gonna go get drunk because I'm pissed , I'm pissed at you don't count on sex tonight stupid "

" why would I want sex with you tonight why the hell would I want that when your pissed at me "

" one minute I'm hot and sexy and you love me and next minute I'm not trusted and you don't want me cause I'm pissed make up your damn mind "

" I don't want to fight tami dammit I don't want to fight so you go and get drunk go complain about me go un stress and when your drunk and don't want to come home cause your still pissed I will phone a cab and literally get your friends to drag you into that cab and I will sit on the doorstep til you get home so just go tami "

" why do you make this so hard , why do you make it so damn hard to be pissed , why don't you just let me be damn pissed "

she says storming forward and wrapping her hand around the back of his neck pulling him close and kissing him hard on the lips He kisses her back wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer

She kisses back then pulls away

" I have to go and be a little pissed " she says tapping her finger on his chest then turning around picking up her purse and leaving out the door

He stood there shocked god she was always messing with his head

He went to go get the kids into the bath

Meanwhile tami had just arrived at the bar and met up with her 3 closest friends or whatever you would call them

Hours later They were sitting laughing and drinking when a guy came up to tami

He was a good looking guy and pretty handsome

He tapped tami on the shoulder she stopped laughing and turned round to look at him

" is this seat taken "

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