chapter I

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Word count; 1052
Published; 23.02.19

I mean... I'm only human after all...

My name is Mila, and welcome to my fucked up life...

I have been sleeping like shit lately.
I am very stressed about school, probably like everyone else is, but at this point, it annoys me.

I wake up to buzzing and a ringing, musical noise, aka. my alarm just went off.
I pick up my phone, lightly moving my finger across the screen, pressing down at the 'dismiss' button. Suddenly my face were filled with light.


I quickly and desprately turn the brightness on my phone down, sighing lightly and rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"I better get up..."

And of course, that took me a few minutes...

I roll over on my left side, looking at the rest of my bedroom. I see nothing but the outlines of my furniture.
I quickly sat up in my bed, rubbing my left eye and holding my right hand to the side of my head. Whenever I sit up quickly, I'm basically punishing myself with a huge headache, and gettig hella dizzy.

I stood up on the cold wooden floor. I walked towards my door, clicking on the lightswitch before exiting my room. I run a hand through my hair, feeling every single, little inch of my matted, curly hair. Instead of going to the kitchen, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
I stood infront of the mirror, brushing out my hair. My eyes suddenly gave me the chills. Staring into those light, ocean coloured eyes freaked me out.

I mean, my eyes are pretty, but the way that they stare back at me... that's always somehow creepy to me.


My train were late, just like yesterday.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late again!"

I said to myself. Even though I'm getting used to be late at school, it annoys me.
I clicked my tounge when my train finally arrived, 10 minutes late, just like always.

The rain poured against the windows in the train, as it drove by trees, fields and tunnels. Graffiti covered the walls of the tunnels, which is - in my opinion - some beautiful art. One of the graffiti paintings are made by me. I got dared - more likely forced - to draw it by some old "friends". Worst day ever, because of course I got busted for it and the other ditched me, but I got off with a warning.


Arriving at my school is a normal routine for me. You get off the train, remembering everything you brought: your computer, phone, books, notes and pens.
I enter my school, as my best friend, Emily, joined my side. Emily is a normal, funny girl, with ear-short, curled hair with a brownish-redish colour. She is the nerdy type, who reads all the time. Her style is fashionable, and she only wears the newest of clothing on the market.

"What's up, Mila? You look like shit."

I looked over at Emily, as she sent me a smirk, followed by me rolling my eyes. She was somwtimes the meanest person on planet earth, but I would not be able ti live without her.
We enter out class like usual, heading to the back of the classroom and dumping our bags on the floor. I sit down, followed by Emily sitting down next to me. I feel a buzz in my backpocket, but I ignored it, knowing that if I pull out my phone, I would probably be busted by my teacher.

The door into the classroom gets open, and person enters the room. I do not recognize this person who entered, but I was pretty sure it was not a student or a teacher from here...
The man walks up infront of the blackboard, as the bell rings in the background.

He started to introduce himself. His name was George Carlsen, and he was a 25 years old man who just finished as a teacher. He had some of the kindest, brown eyes, the sweetest smile and a chill, kind and loveable face and voice. His hair was curly, and the colour was the darkest of chocolate brown.
For a second, I caught myself staring at him uncontrollably.

"I will be your English teacher for the rest of this year..."

I blinked a few times, looking over at Emily. She was drawing in her notebook as usual, and did not pay attention the the happening situation.
The Fall break just ended last week, and I am already drooling over the new teacher... this is gonna be a long year...


The bell rings and everyone stood up, packing their stuff together. We got the rest of the day off because our Mathematics teacher called in sick. It is Friday and I feel blessed.

"Mila, are ya coming to the party later?"

I look behind me, followed by Emily doing the same thing.
To my surprise... the person who asked me was Jake Bertle... The most popular guy at my school, the captain of the football team, the one who got all A's in class and never fails a test - in school or in sports.
I gulp, looking at Emily who nods like a crazy person. Looking back at Jake, I shrug my shoulders, giving him a kindly smile, followed by me walking out of class with Emily by my side.

"Come on Mila, you have to come!"
I look at Emily and roll my eyes.

"Emily, I don't want to..."
Emily sigh and shrugged, continuing to walk. Our ways split at the trains, because we live different places.

"I will MAYBE see you at the party later! Have a nice day!"
Emily waved, as I jumped on the train, waving back at her with a smile.


I unlock my door into my dorm. My parents are paying for my rent, and I only visit them from times to times. I throw off my shoes, as I flop down on the sofa. Checking my phone, I notice someone has texted me on Messenger. I check the messages, noticing it was George Carlsen. My stomach suddenly were filled with butterflies, as I read the messages again.

Hey Mila, I was wondering if you need any help with anything? We could meet at the local café...

I smiled, replying with a simple 'Yes, sure.'...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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