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In the small town of Rüdesheim am Rhein, Germany, lives a young woman by the name of Erica Schneider. My name is Erica Schneider I am 19 years old and I live in Rüdesheim am Rhein, Germany. I am fluent in both German and English. Each day I travel out to the green fields with my bow, target, and some arrows. My parents always told me that I was their little archer, but that was before they died in a house fire. It was my dads dream to go to New Mexico, so I decided I would fulfill it for him. My flight leaves next week and I am more than thrilled. Right now Ive been focusing on finding a job there as I will be staying for quite a while. Ive been applying to as much jobs as I can but yet only one manages to email me back. I open the email and read Thank you for applying, meet at the following address for your interview on the following date. Under the message reads the address and the date of the interview. The date is the day after I arrive. That evening Erica packed her bags with everything she needed including her bow, arrows, target and guitar. Oh how she loved to play her music and sing. She often thought of her mom when she sang as their voices were similar and equally beautiful, at least that was what everyone has told her. She also wrote her own songs that she loves to sing each moment she can. Shes always writing new ones. During the next week before the trip, erica found that she just couldnt contain her excitement and that she wasnt getting much sleep. She would often stay up for hours and hours just lying in her bed tossing and turning until she was comfortable. Alass the only day she actually got some sleep was the day before her voyage.

The day of the trip

She just began to pack her bags into the car when a familiar face came up behind her. Hallo~ said a voice from behind. She jumped and said Oh Wilhelm, ich habe dich dort nicht gesehen. Wilhelm and Erica had known each other since they were toddlers and have been friends ever since. They both considered themselves good friends as they have never fought with one another. Wohin gehst du? he asks, zu New Mexico she said with a smile. Oh he says looking at his shoes, Ja she says awkwardly. Ich freue mich für dich he says giving you a charming smile, surprised you say echt? Ja! They smile at each other then hug their goodbyes. Driving by the familiar places of her home town the sadness of it hits her.

Ill be back, I promise.

On the plane she managed to get a few hours of sleep in before turbulance wakes her. She looks around for a bit and hears some people saying they might have dropped 100 feet or so. During the rest of the flight she decided to read her book as it would be pointless to fall asleep again since they were about an hour away.

Im finally here! Was all she could think.

Driving to a hotel in a town a few miles away from her meeting destination took a good few hours stopping at gas stations occasionally. By the time she had arrived to her hotel it was to late at night to explore the town so she just went to sleep again even though she had already napped on the plane and wasnt at all tired. Its 6am and the meetings at 8am, she decided to spend her time eating breakfast at the local diner. After the meal, she set on the road and got there with a few minutes to spare. She went to the door and knocked, the person to answer was a tall man with black hair, round glasses and charming crystal blue eyes. He wore a brown sweater vest with a white undershirt and red tie. Can I help jou? he said, Ja, Im Erica Schneider, Im here for sa interview she said He looked at her blankly for a moment. Ah, come in he said smiling at her. He lead her to an office on the top level, in the office sits a man in a red suit and ski mask. In a chair in front of him sits a woman in a purple dress and her black hair pulled back into a neat bun. The man in the suit nods his head and says Mademoiselle in a very pleasant french accent to add. You must be Erica, Im Miss Pauling This is Spy she says referring to the man behind the desk. Nice to meet jou Erica says, Welcome to the team Pauling says. Vait.. no interview??? Nope. We need all the help we can get and at that moment Pauling winks at Spy who then presses a button and a microphone rises from his desk. Spy then blows into it and says Meeting in the dining hall.


Was a table surrounded by men, all surprisingly tall. Gentlemen! Meet our newest team mate the Spy said moments later the room was filled with cheers. After Erica made her way around the room meeting and greeting each man. Medic later escorted her to her room, Here ve are Miss Erica, not much, but zhis is all ve could offer he said. Danke she said and bitte call me Archer

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