lets be friends?

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this is my first fanfic so please dont be hard on me!! also all these characters are NOT MINE!! they all belong to Andrew Hussie from the webcomic Homestuck.

-daves pov-

"lets just get this over with" you whisper under your breath. It's the first day to a new school. Of course, Dirk had you guys moving again.

You tried to remain calm and cool, as your mind shaked. You've always hated being the new kid.

As you made your way to your locker, you noticed a short-adorable boy lecturing another person.

The other student had unusual, blue and red glasses. "Weird." you say to yourself.

You greet the two as for, their locker was right next to yours. "Sup, nice to meet you." you say as the short-one turns to glare at you.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"um." you stutter for words. Wow. I didnt expect this.

"So do one of you know where the biology class is?" you say, trying to keep your cool.

The black wearing one walked away as if he didnt want anymore to do with you. Which was probably true.

"Th'up." I'm Sollux. Said the one who seems nicer.

"Hey." "Ma' names Dave."

"Well Dave, you want to go to biology together?"

"Sure." you say.

As you guys walk to class, he tells you about the angry person. "That was Karkat. He'th really funny to mess with since he get's tho angry."

"huh. Nice to know." you say. Trying to not sound interested.

"Dont worry. I'm th'ure he'll be friends with you."


Again, this is my first fanfc. I was wondering if some of those who read this could give me advice or anything to make it better. So, goodbye for now!! XD

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