It begins

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"What about him?" Lavender pointed at a guy sitting in a booth by himself, his head buried in a fairly large book, pencil moving fast over the pages which were currently spread open.

"Why does it have to be a guy?" Seamus asked, his eyes glued to the way the pencil skipped over the paper. The guy seemed to be sure of the lines he made, not once reaching for the eraser that was right beside the book. He often lifted his head, eyes fixed on something on the other side of the shop.

Lavender smiled at him, with a twinkle in her eyes. "Cause we all know that you are very gay Seamus, -"

"I am no-"

"EVEN if you don't want to admit it." She went on as if she hadn't heard him. "And I think that that guy could be the one to prove it to you."

"I'm not gay." He repeated. "Nor have I ever thought about guys in that way.

"How about that girl over there?" He went on loudly, even scaring himself with the volume of his voice, looking around to see if anyone had heard it he saw that nobody paid any attention to them. Even the girl who he was talking about didn't look up and just went on talking to her friends.

"She looks good, and I think she would agree more easily to this stupid plan."

She won't, he thought, who in their right minds would agree to a random person asking them to marry them. Just because said person has a bet going on with a friend. And the only reason why he even asked was because that friend dared him to do it.

Lavender however looked unimpressed at the way he tried to change the gender of his spouse, and made sure that Seamus wasn't going to marry the girl by dragging him over to the guy in the corner. "No, it's gotta be that guy. Let's go!"


So here they are, standing in front of the guy who Lavender had been eyeing for at least half an hour before pointing him out. The guy didn't even notice them approaching and went on drawing as if he were completely alone in this dinner.

Seamus could see the sketch the guy was working on a lot better up close, and he had been right, every single line that he had put on the paper was in exactly the right place, with exactly the right dark- and thickness. So the guy is an artist. Good to know.

"Excuse me," Lavender began. The boy looked up at the two of them. Seamus a little behind Lavender, as if she could protect him. "Are you currently dating someone?"

"W- what?" Seamus could hear how weird that question would sound to anyone without any information. The question marks quite literally floating around the guys head as the stared at them. "Why would you want to know?"

"I might have weird request." Lavender said, looking as if what she was going to say was the most normal thing you would ever ask a random stranger in a diner. "You see, my friend here has a weird thing going on with another friend of us, they give each other stupid dares to do and well, they are both way to competitive to say no to any of them, so therefore the reason why we are here."

Seamus didn't want to hear the rest of it, way too embarrassed to hear it out loud. Marrying a stranger was the stupidest fucking dare he had ever said yes to.

"Seamus here," She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to be in front of her. "accepted a dare to marry a stranger, and we- well I really- was wondering if you were up for that challenge."

"Uhm, no thank you." The guy began. "I mean, it's flattering I guess but why me? Why not that girl sitting over there?" And he pointed at the girl Seamus spoke about earlier.

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