The end?

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(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, marvel does, I only own the plot. This story did not really happen, if you find it offensive, please don't read)

(A few years ago)
"Hey dad!" Tony yelled from the garage, "can you get me that wench from over there?"

Stan Lee looked at Tony proudly from the front of the big house. It was a hot summer's day and Stan had organised a trip to the beach with all his 'children', but stubborn twelve year old Tony Stark wanted to finish a project, and flatly refused to leave the garage, so the trip was cancelled.

"Sure Tony, but first, what do you say?" He asked, trying to stamp out some of the sizeable ego of Tony.

As mocking as ever, the genius and billionaire (not yet playboy) smiled ever so sweetly and said: "pweese?"

Suddenly, a shield struck Tony on his back,  and then on his legs, forcing him to kneel on the floor, looking surprised. Stan the looks to see Steve Rogers, a very righteous young man, standing outside the garage door, looking both angry and annoyed.

"Would you please stop this?!" He sighed with frustration.

Eleven year old wolverine then stepped in, there was a mischievous glint in his eye, and everyone could smell what was coming.

"Hey, Bub, why don't you go back to your more-important-than-family-time sparkly metal?" He growled.

"Hey guys! Break it up! Can't we at least act like family?" Peter Parker said quite nervously as everyone turned their gaze on him.

Suddenly, all hell broke out, wolverine articles tony with his claws, tony responded with a blast of his repulsor beam. Steve tried to use his shield to stop them, but was his in the face with the repulsor beam, because of Tony's horrible aim. Stan just stood there, shaking his head and thinking, "I'm so proud".


Black panther was sitting on the garage bench, helping with an encounter of a new problem for Tony's Iron Man armour. Well, not really Tony's, for you see, this piece of art was for a special someone, more precisely, their dad, Stan Lee, who had been quite sick lately was in hospital and the Avengers had just this once, agreed to get together and each make something special for Stan. Iron Man, Spiderman and T'Chella were making armour, Steve and Bucky barns were making a shield, Thor and Loki were making an asgardian weapon, worthy of the great Stan and Widow and Hawkeye were making a transforming bow.

It was a bright sunny day, when the Avengers, and a few extra people, could be seen walking into the hospital, each team carrying a different present.

"Hello, do you happen to know where Stan lee's ward is?" Steve asked the lady at the entrance.

She blinked a few times, then looked at the presents in the teams' hands, and started to cry. Steve looked startled.

"Are you ok? I didn't mean to offend you!" He said huffily, while everyone else just stared, confused at what was happening.

"No, it was not offence, these years are for you, since the presents can no longer be delivered to their new owner.", she replied as she sobbed.

"Wha.....", Tony started to ask, but then he saw someone wheel out a bed, and on the bed, looking deathly pale, and looking suspiciously like someone who was a great father.

Silence seemed to vibrate through the waiting room, signalling the end. It seemed to leaden everyone's hearts, weigh them down until it suffocated you. This is all because the person on the bed was someone beloved to all fans, someone who was important in being a father to the Marvel universe. That someone, was Stan Lee.

This is a tribute book to Stan Lee, the comic book writer, creator, or co-creator of Iron Man, Spiderman, Captain America and many others from the Marvel Universe. Stan Lee dies on Monday the 12th of November. Rest in peace Stan!

"Not all heroes wear capes".

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