Safe with you [CLALEC]

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This is a CLALEC (Clary and Alec) Fanfiction.

This story is also in by karime bane. That's me. I didn't steal this. I want to post it here too.

You might want to read the books before this. You need CoB, CoA and CoG you don't need to read the others. This takes place after City of Glass

The characters form TMI are not mine they are Cassandra's.


Valentine and Jonathan lost the war and they decide to hide. The Clave of course is hunting them. Even Downworlders are helping. Downworlders and Shadowhunters are at pace.

They are still in Alicante. Jace breaks up with Clary. Isabelle, Alec, Simon, and Magnus tried to comfort her. After a week from their break up, Clary found Jace and Aline kissing. She told Isabelle she wanted to be alone for a moment and went for a walk. Jonathan kidnapped her.

Oh almost forgot to mention that Alec is straight. Magnus helped them because he loves Clary ( no like that) he saw her grow up after all. Magnus and Clary are good friends, he has a little fatherly love for her too. They are in Alicante. Oh and Max is alive.

There's been a controversy over the fact that I made Alec straight for this story. I have several loyal readers which means people like Clalec. Malec is my otp but I suck at writing about cannon ships. I also love clace but I can't write clace stories for shit. So I write stories of uncommon ships. I am not a homophobic so please don't comment hate or send me dms calling me things.


No ship hate will be tolerated.

Safe with you [CLALEC]Where stories live. Discover now