Buttered Popcorn

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The early days:
"Buttered Popcorn take 5" . I start to sigh as I look at my sheet music full of notes and lyrics and begin to say to myself . "Come on Florence , You got this . Its just one song " I drift heavily into my thoughts and begin to realize that its not me , its not my vocals but its them in the control room. "This is unbelievable , it sounded right the first time ."

" Blondie what's wrong ? " Diana asked as I sit on the piano bench in the famous "Studio A " where our brother group The Temptations will later record their hit single "My Girl " in 1964. "We've been in this damn studio since 9:10 and we still ain't finished recording this song . What does buttered popcorn got to do with love anyway ? I don't understand it one bit Diane ." "Well Flo " she hesitates. "It could be worse . we could be on a farm milking cows but were here we made it to Hitsville." I begin to think Diane is right even about the cows . " I think you're right Diana .But how would we find a farm in the middle of Detroit ? wouldn't we have to go to Kansass or Texass to find a farm ? Diana looks up from drawing that big ass straight line she calls a cat eye on her face and answers " I don't know , I was just giving an example." "Well give a better example next time " I say as I get up from the piano bench and walk over to the microphone .

"Ready Girls ? "Berry Gordy says into the control room microphone. "Yes " we all say . The Funk Brothers begin to play and I start to sing .

After we all finished singing we all walked into the control room to hear the final product . "You sound great Florence ."Gordy says as he pats my back . Now I don't know why that heifer touching me but it's whatever "Honey , we is terrific " I respond . Berry walks up to that raggedy ass chalkboard of his and writes the name The Fakettes I mean the Mavelettes at 12:00 in white chalk. I remember when we first heard of The Ratchettes I mean The Marvelettes . They were the first boy I mean girl group to join the Gordy label . They thought they are doing something but all they sound like is screaming goats. Every time I hear them "Sing " I just think "Oh no baby what is you doing ?" The Girls and I start heading out to our cars when all of a sudden The Marvelettes walk up to us .

"Hey y'all" Gladys Horton calls out . I kick Mary and Diana in the legs and quietly ask them "What do these Bratz doll want from us Barbie dolls? Don't they know Barbie Doll in training class is cancelled for today?" "It hasn't even started" Mary snaps back. "Girls be nice " Diana remarks as she gives a fake ass grin.

"Hey Horton hears a who"Mary responds . "What she means is Hey off brand Barbie dolls." I interject while sipping the rest of my tea.

"Mary you didn't have to say that " Wanda responded .

"You didn't have to open ya mouth Sugar bear " I remark .

"Florence shut the fuck up , that's why you sound like a whole man when you sing ." Whispered Katherine.

I know this raggedy Ann looking bitch didn't just tell me to shut the fuck up and I know she ain't come for my vocals when this bitch need a whole singing lesson . All that dancing she doing on stage is really hiding the fact that the vocals she claims to have aren't there.

"Katherine you can talk when you actually learn how to sing , other than that I suggest you shut the fuck up because you have absolutely no room to fucking talk and for the record , the reason I can hit those notes is because I have range . Some you cant do and something you don't have . Now come at me sideways again little Bitch and I will loose all of my religion . I don't give a fuck if yawl were the first girl group to join Motown , Gordy is using yawl as guinea pigs while were the real deal . Other than that all I got to say is kiss my whole ass . "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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