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every evening, normally at around 7pm, i always come here.
to my special place.
no one else knows about it or ever comes to bother me here. i just sit and think.
i usually stay here for around an hour, but it depends what mood i'm in or how my day has taken place. sometimes, if i feel really bad, i spend multiple hours just sitting. being alone with my thoughts in the silence. the longest i've spent here is probably 6 hours, on a sunday when things were getting too much, so i came here.
'here' is a little clearing in loads of trees behind the park near my house. you have to squeeze through a gap in a hedge and go down some old steps. it can get quite dangerous if it's been raining, the steps become muddy and slippery. but it's worth it when i'm sat here, on a rock i found, staring at the fish in the small pond here.
this has always been my place. i've known about it for about two years now. it's my safe space, probably more of a home to me than my actual house.

i sit here now, eyes closed, feeling the warm evening breeze skim over my face. i could never get bored of this; the feeling of sweet nothing.
a sound.
my eyes fly open as i'm startled by what sounds like the rustling of leaves behind me.
i shake it off. probably just a bird.
i lean back and relax again.
the sound continues.
this time i open my eyes and am greeted by a boy.
he peers at me curiously, standing next to the little entrance to my place.
"hey." he says, staying still.
i frown.
"who are you? how do you know about my place?" i inquire. i'm annoyed. this is my place. not his.
he frowns back at me.
"i'm kim taehyung. i.. needed to clear my head, so i saw a gap in the hedge looking for somewhere peaceful, and i found it."
"well, i'm sorry. this is my place. the only place i can feel safe. so i cannot share." i say in return, sending daggers at the amused looking boy with my eyes.
"well, i'm sorry too, but this is technically the councils place as it is part of the residential park. so anyone can come here, if they know about it." he says, and he shrugs at me before coming and sitting on the grass next to me.
"taehyung, or whatever your name is, you dont understand— this has been my place for two years. i have nowhere else to be content. please go away. find somewhere else." i snap at him, and he turns his gaze towards me, meeting my sharp glare. but my attempt at a threatening look disappears when i see the pain in his eyes. the pain in his eyes like i see in mine when i look at my reflection.
he sighs and gets up.
"i don't think you understand yourself. you're not the only one in the damn world who needs peace when they can't find it. i hope you enjoy it while it lasts." he says and before i can say anything back, he turns and leaves.

shouldn't i be relieved?
i'm back in silence.
but it's no longer sweet, it's sad silence.

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