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okay, i have written a new story. i kinda just came to me and i litteraly stayed up all  night writing it haha :). This short story is based of the song Carmen by Lana Del Ray, i hope you enjoy it. Pretty please dont forget to vote and comment especially comment i want to know how you like it. happy reading!!



The hypnotic motion of her hips had me under the most enchanting spell. I was so under I’m sure I have gone insane because I can’t see anything but her and in the eyes of my dull orbs, the strobe lights have fallen shamelessly on her and nothing but. The strong on going beat of the thundering house music has turned in to helpless hum under her Champaign sparkling laugh, which fills my sin red veins with delight.

The way her velvet dress held on tightly to each part of her slim tender body has my heart pounding against my lungs making it hard for my heavy breath to circulate. Each muscle in her petite body shows the lack of care and concern she possesses and maybe that might be due to the amount of drugs swimming in her angelic body but before my overheating brain can react my legs are working their way over to her, taking my body with it. I subconsciously push sweaty bodies out of my way not moving my eyes from her because my brain has now connected with my feet and continues to scream in a infinite echo; “Her. I want her. Her. I want her.

Her back in turned to me and I don’t get a chance to clearly see the pale butterfly permanently engraved in her washed out skin before she turns to me.

Sweat sticks to her forehead like small rain drops on a window. Her makeup is smudged from the long night, but the way it sits on her face makes she even more appealing. The black makeup on around her eyes makes her look tired and as though she has been crying. Her lips show the well know swollenness of someone who has shared a rough painful kiss but I could be wrong and the dark purple could be a simple stain of lipstick.

Slowly the lips I have fallen so intrigued by spread in to a blissful lopsided smile. “Why aren’t you dancing?”  Her words come out harsh and slurred nothing like I hoped. She was quick to push her back against my torso; I put my hand on her waist bringing her closer to me, and she began to move just like before only this time making sure to touch me with every part of her.

Maybe it was the drug but I was defiantly and unnatural intrigued by her. I could feel her; I could feel her heart beating against the music, I could taste the bitter sweetness of her skin. I could hear the electricity running between us when our exposed skin touched.

Her eyes are sad and completely empty, her green orbs barely noticeable because of her dark dilated pupils.

Her tongue taste of nicotine and whisky and I hated the taste but I couldn’t seem to pull away from her, so I let it continue, enjoying her mouth as she sucked my soul right from my body.

She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes.

She laughs like god, her minds like a diamond.”

“Tell me your name.” I whisper in to her eyes.  She stops dancing and leans against my ear. She kisses my neck before answering in a no longer slurred but shaky voice.


The people dancing around us slowly stop few by few, sobering up just enough to realize that it’s time for them to go home to bed still wrapped in ecstasy from the events of the night, or spend time in the bathroom spilling all the horrible details to the toilet bowl, while others are now waking up.



“Come home with me.” I say holding her close, she’s what I needed right now and I don’t know why but I didn’t want her to go just yet. Carmen laughed. Giving me life

“I couldn’t do that. I can’t, you don’t want me. You don’t want to get this way baby.”

I shook my head. “please.” She turned around smiling. “I’m dying.” My brows furrowed, I didn’t understand what she was saying. I’m high and she defiantly is to and this can’t be good but… “We’ll have fun, come with me.”

She pulled away from me harshly, turning her back and walking away from me, not even looking back once.

Carmen, Carmen, staying up till morning

Only seventeen, but she walks the streets to mean.”

I wanted to follow her but my legs wouldn’t respond and I had to watch her walk away out on the street, catching a pitiful glimpse of the rising sun hitting her dark brown hair.

I know when my brain finally gives permission for my legs to move again, I will drive home and once I have finished vomiting up all the mistakes of the night I will lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes and my dreams will be hunted by the image of Carmen and her lustful body moving to the beat of the unheard house music.

That’s the little story of the girl you know

Relying on the kindness of strangers

Tying cherry knots, smiling…



 Well there you go!! i hope you guys liked it, i enjoyed writing it.

please dont forget to comment and vote, it would be much appreciated! thank you :).


CarmenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang