Chapter 1. You're Not Late If You Bring Coffee

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People and suitcases moved around you, some on their way to check in and others on the way out of the airport. Their chatter flooded your ears but it wasn't enough to tune out the thoughts on your racing mind. Your gaze was directed to the ground as you walked next to Harrison on your way towards security and your eyes were stinging with unshed tears you tried to keep at bay. This is a great opportunity for him, don't you ruin it by starting to cry. You repeated these words over and over again in your head, knowing that if you lost focus you'd cry in a heartbeat. Your partner, your best friend since you started your training, the blue eyed boy you were in love with was moving away. He was silent as you walked, his hands fiddling with the straps of the backpack the was taking with him along with your heart. You mulled over the many things you could say to him, the what if scenarios and the many ways your goodbye could go. None of them worked, every single scenario would end with either you confessing your feelings or starting to sob mid-sentence.

"I think that's my flight they're announcing." Harrison spoke up as you stopped in front of security. His hands left the backpack straps and moved to rest in the pockets of his denim jacket. "I should go through security soon."

You took a deep breath, the same way you always did when you're about to go on a mission. You counted backwards from five to zero and held your hand in a tight fist before letting out the air through your nose. He's leaving and there's nothing anyone can do, you had to face the facts and save face. "Right. Umm, there's two things I want to say."

You reached into your back pocket, your hand finding the picture you carried with you always. It was slightly creased from always being in you jeans' pockets, the top right edge was torn and the bottom one had a coffee stain. You smiled as you looked at it for a second, a friend of yours had taken the picture after Harrison and yours first successful mission. Your hand was pushing your hair back while you smiled at Harrison and he smiled back, a gun in his right hand and a SWAT van in the background as they went over the scene. It was your lucky charm, a way of asking for every mission to go as well as that one did, and so far it had worked. Now it was time for Harrison to have it, you wanted him to take the luck with him and to think of that mission whenever he saw it. A reminder of how far he'd come and a reminder that he would always have a friend in New York, all the way across the sea.

"First, I want you to have this." You took another deep breath. Five, four, three, two, one, zero... "Now that I won't be around to save your ass, seems right that you take my lucky charm with you."

Your eyes finally met his and you immediately realize what big of a mistake that was. Beautiful and soft blue eyes stared back at yours, speeding your heartbeat and creating fresh tears for you to push back. His fingers brushed yours as he took the picture, imperceptible sparks going off like they always did, and the corner of his lips gave way for him to smile at you.

"I remember this day..." He said, his voice far away as his mind probably took him back 3 years in the past. "A-are you sure you want me to have it?" You gave him a small smile and nodded, keeping the sob that threatened to escape your lips at bay.

You hid your fist in your jacket as you took another deep breath and cleared your throat, "I wish you all the luck in the world Harrison. You're a great agent and London will be really lucky to have you. I-I hope you remember me because I know I won't forget you." Five, four, three, two, one, zero... "You've been the best friend I could've asked for, you know, and if I'm that lucky then I don't need the picture."

"Oh love come here." Harrison's arms brought you close to him and held you against his chest. You allowed yourself to close your eyes and take in the feeling one last time, the warmth his body always radiated and the earthy smell of his cologne that you had grown used to and in love with. Your arms held him tight and you counted another time to get ready let go, to say goodbye and to watch him leave your life until who knows when. "Take this with you." He whispered, his voice cracking the tiniest bit but you caught it.

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