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Name: Konsamursi (High Sith meaning 'Precious'), and her nicknames are Precious (Precious is most commonly used), Manasi (which means 'Pretty'), Dhasias (meaning 'Beautiful'), Konsa, or Mursi. She is most commonly called 'Precious', however, and she responds better to it.
Age: Depending on when I use her. She is anywhere from a cub up to age 18.
Gender: Female
Species: Nexu
Home: With her master, Zaavan; she lived on Dromund Kaas with him, then went to Coruscant.
Era: The Old Republic.
Appearance: Like any typical Nexu, though she looks softer than most others.

Length: 14' 9" (including forked tail) Height: 3' 1" Weight: 496 lbs

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Length: 14' 9" (including forked tail)
Height: 3' 1"
Weight: 496 lbs.
Personality: She is a feisty feline when it comes to anyone but her master, and will attack if given the order to- though she often attacks without being given an order, since nexu can be very difficult to train. She will strike or bite at anyone she doesn't like, or anyone she doesn't know, and she can be a rather crabby cat. However, she is affectionate with her master, Zaavan, and loves to cuddle and purr as he pets her. She can be a rather jealous feline, too, and will not tolerate Zaavan giving any other animal but her attention. She will attack any other animal he gives attention to, and she's been known to destroy some of his belongings in a jealous fit.
Likes: Being petted and loved by her master, cuddling with her master, and being warm and cozy, and she likes when her master is home.
Dislikes: When her master is away, when her master brings any other animal home, when her master smells like other animals, or when her master doesn't pay attention to her.
Fear(s): That her master will leave and never come back, then her master will stop loving her, and thunderstorms.
Background: Precious lived her life as a cub until a year old with her mother, then she was captured by aliens to be put in an arena. She, however, was treated poorly there, starved so she would attack those they wanted her to attack, though she would also attack those who weren't supposed to be attacked, leading to her being punished cruelly. Zaavan rescued her from that place when she was so ill that she couldn't move, and she bonded with him over her healing process. Now, she is a loyal pet to him and won't let harm come to him if she can help it.
Other: She also likes Tirithiel Cundo, as her master likes her, and Tirithiel is the second kind person she ever met and helped her alongside Zaavan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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