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"Grande caramel macchiato," the barista at the counter yells out. I take that as my cue and make my way through the crowd of people talking amongst themselves. As I thank the new annoyed barista, he shoots me a quick smile and continues to deal with the demands of the herd. I often come to this exact Starbucks because it's the closest to my apartment. I've had a lot of cramming sessions, and interesting conversations in this fine establishment.

I check my mail as soon as I enter the apartment complex. Nothing but bills and loan reminders. After my last final of sophomore year, the last thing on my mind is all the payments I need to make. I grab all of the envelopes and lock the little mail compartment. As I open the door, I walk into another one of my roommate's quarrels with her "boyfriend." I quickly make my way to my room before I get pulled into the middle of this. There are so many things Ana and her boy toy fight about. He is quite stupid if I say so myself. He's always on his social media, but his posts are so annoying. Once I hear the door slam, she bursts into my room.

"ARIA I AM SO DONE WITH HIM," she screams. "He took my favorite Estee Lauder foundation and freaking used it!!! But the worst part is that he dropped half of it on my dresser. Like what kind of person?"

I just stare at her for a good minute before responding.

"Why are you with him again? I don't get it," I ask in confusion. She stares into space for a few seconds.

"He literally doesn't understand when I try to break up with him. He starts singing in his language. He's not even good." She rolls her eyes and storms out of my room in anger. I would be lying if I said this did not happen on a daily basis.

Before I grab a snack, I change into a pair of leggings and a black tee that has the number 21 in floral print. I grab a small pre-made container of hummus and pair it with some sliced carrots. I sit at the kitchen island and finish some of my college work on my mac. I've completed two whole years at H University. Even though I haven't picked a lane yet, I feel pretty confident with what I've accomplished. Ana attends SJ University. Our apartment resides in Garden city which is very close to my college but 20 minutes away from Ana. I've known her since high school and that is why we chose to live together. I remember it took us a while to make this feel like a home. It was weird living away from my parents after 18 years. It's a part of growing up I guess. We got lucky that our neighbors were very welcoming the first week. Mrs. Robinson who lives two doors away from us made a couple of meals for us when we didn't have our stove set up. She also helped us with our decor since she's an interior designer. The apartment has two rooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, a small balcony, and living room. It's good enough for us two girls. Our home looks like it came right out of a Tumblr post. We have a tapestry in our living room with lights and it's so cozy. I love having people over because this place feels better with more people. Especially with the boy who lives next door. Okay, not next door, but across. It's a funny story actually.

Picture a tall boy with a defined jawline and eyes dreamier than clouds. The physique of a swimmer's body and a smile that is known to melt all the girls. Then add 500K followers on his Instagram account. Yep. The boy next door is Drew Johnson. Instagram model and social media influencer Drew. Well, when I first met him he was just another Drew. Him and his best friend, Hunter, have been living here for about four years now. I literally was like Monica in that one friends episode where she sees Joey for the first time. Just like any other girl. Ana and I became very social since we moved into the building. We're both good friends with Hunter and Drew. To the world, he's another shirtless douche on the internet, which he is to me too. But he's one of the greatest people I know. I'd say he's my best friend. Plus, I don't mind looking at him. He drops by our place A LOT. Especially when I make food.

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