Chapter 1

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Its dark.

Where.. Where am I?..

What's happening?


Screams. People screaming.

That's all I hear.

Whats.. Whats going on?

Someone please.

No. Wait. Not again. Not again! Someone! Help! Please!!--

I don't want to hurt anyone again.

Not again..

Bakugou sits up quickly, his skin is cold and his body was trembling. He has just woken up from another one of his, 'nightmares', if you could even call it that.

Every night he turns into a wolf, a monster, that always needs and craves flesh and blood in it's system; and every morning he wakes up to his clothes in pieces and the blood of villagers in his mouth. The taste making him sick and wanting to throw it all up.

This curse has been happening for months now and Bakugou still hasn't gotten used to it. I mean how could he? He is killing innocent people who have never done anything wrong to him. It's as if life is laughing at him right at his face while watching his dream of being a hero die as he rips someone's head off with his own teeth.

With all of this in his head Bakugou starts to get dizzy. He gags as he feels like he might vomit but just cannot. Tears threaten to fall but he doesn't let them.

'How the hell did I let myself get so weak?'

He lies on the ground and stares up at the trees and the cracks of sunlight through it's leaves. He starts to get drowsy and eventually lets his eyelids fall. He stays and listen to the sound of nature all around him. He really needed this minute of peace. He didn't want anyone to ruin it.

Little did he know there was someone in the woods with him.


Kirishima, a red head wearing a red cape strolls around, lost in the woods, looking for ingredients for the meal he was planning to prepare for his sick mother.

Now although Kirishima is certainly aware that he cannot cook for the life of him, he still tries his best anyways; and look where that got him. Lost in the goddamn woods.

He sighs "Maybe I should have left a trail while I decided to wander around here".

He looks around for anything that looks even slightly familiar until a low growl catches his attention.

He turns his head towards where the noise was coming from, and behind the bushes he saw..

A blonde haired man with all his clothes ripped up.

The redhead's eyes widen as he rushes towards the boy. "Sir are you--" He then notices that the blondie was asleep. Softly growling and twisting in his sleep. It looked like he was in pain.

R E D [Red Riding hood!Kirishima x Werewolf!Bakugou]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant