The begining

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Hi I'm Jamie Castle, now ruler over the kingdom of marks. I'm going to tell you the story of why I'm no ordinary queen with no ordinary story. So with that said let's begin. It all started 26 years ago....

"Sir please you can't be in here" the doctor spoke with urgency "I have to that's my wife who's giving birth" my father Damian cried "I'm sorry you can't be in here" the doctor pulled him out of the room "it will be fine just wait" Damian sat down defeated and waited, Seven long hours, seven hours of pure pain and torture passed, the doctor walked out with a look of great sadness upon his face "I'm sorry sir your wife, princess Janine didn't make it....but—" he stepped out of the way to reveal me "She gave birth to your beautiful healthy baby girl" Damian took the small child and held her close, he was full of sorrow and pain but Joyeuse that the small child was there and healthy. A celebration for life and death is what my grandparents would have called it.

My father made it home with me he walked into the palace he looked to my grandfather Jamie Raymond Castle they Exchanged some words back and forth. "Janine didn't make it through birth" my father said with tears forming in the edges of his eyes "but with all sorrow there is good that comes such as my beautiful baby girl...her name is Jamie Janine Castle" he smiled softly my grandfather smiled brightly "she's beautiful just like her name and her can tell she'll be a fierce fighter she has that same spark you had in her eyes" my father smiled "I know trouble in the making" he kissed my head, my grandfather smiled "we'll make the world safe for dear Jamie"

A/N Hey guys so here's the first chapter of Jamie's background I really hope you enjoyed it because I really love this character and her story and I will finish this story it will just take time I'll be making another one on Jon cakes he poor servant boy but you haven't met him yet I'll see you guys soon byeeeeeee.

Jamie Castle:never the sameOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant