The Burning Dandelion

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    Maria was on death doors, reaching her hand towards the door's handles. She thought about her life, her mistakes, everything. She believed her choice was best. Ridding herself from this world. She was disgusted by herself.  She fell from the bridge and whispered, "Goodbye world." She fell like she was drowning. 'Falling, falling, falling slowly into darkness.' Maria thought of the quote. Dim light and curtains, that's all she saw. Her abdomen was burning from hitting the water so hard. The door opened, it was a familiar face, she couldn'tt make out who he or she was. "Maria! You're alive! The doctors said it was beyond knowledge how you survived." it was a  teenage boy, his voice sounded very familiar. her vision focused, she could now see her best friend Taylor's, hazel eyes. "God Maria! Why? Why did you try? What were you thinking?" he asked chocking on a sob. They were there for each other, but Maria left so suddenly one day. Over the past 5 year of curiosity, he finally found her. Maria was silent, she didn't want to speak, her bangs covering her eyes. "H-how? How did you find me?" she asked as tears flowed down her eyes. "I was walking by and I noticed you on the bridge. I was going to try to talk to you got distant.." he responded still embracing her. He could see her scars on her body, she was transparent. He knew about her drugs, he knew about her depression, he just didn't know what to do. "Let go of me." the suicidal girl uttered. "What?" he said in confusion. "I said let go of me!" she yelled in anger and fustration. 'Maria, calm down, you're okay." he tried to calm her. Maria started to cry, she wanted to die. Taylor wasn't going to let that happen, he lost her once but he won't lose her again. "Please, go, I don't want to drag you down with me. Just leave me here to die alone." he could sense the sorrow again, he noticed this earlier in the past years but thought of it as a phrase. "Maria look at me, don't you ever say that, I will not let go of you, I love you."

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