Chapter 1: Break Me Out.

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"Honestly. You can't tell me I was wrong. I killed him. Yeah. I really did kill him. But he had cheated on me. He took that other girl and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her. He should have been kissing me. He broke my heart. I had every right to kill him." I told the "doctor."

He just looked at me. I couldn't read his emotions. But I could tell they were all over the place. I had killed someone. And now, I was locked up in this place. Supposed to be getting better. But those were not my intentions. I was going to get out of here. I was going to do everything I could.

I didn't used to be like this. I didn't used to feel so insane. I used to smile and laugh and giggle because that was who I was. But now. Sadness. My heart screams. My eyes tear, my mouth lies. A smile is a internal frown and a wink is a internal tear. But no one could tell.

They think I killed for fun. But they were wrong. I killed because of the pain. It eats me away on the inside. Breaking every single bone and putting them back with tape just to do it over again. And when he cheated on me. I couldn't anymore. I just couldn't deal with it. I was taught by them to never let my head down. To act happy, put on that show. But I was missing something. I was missing the love my parents had. I wanted crazy love. Love that drives you to kill. Or so I thought.... That guy broke my heart and now I must fix it.

So yeah, I killed him. And I was so happy about it. How dare he cheat on me. Saying I was his princess and that he was sorry. No. That's not how this goes. He dies. Click, boom, die. That's it. That's what happened when you messed with me. And my therapist was just staring at me with pitiful eyes. I wish I could rip them out.

That's what my parents always said to do. Just rip apart the ones who care about you. That's just how this world is. And I love it. Of course, this wasn't my first murder. I've been killing people the second my dad taught me how to use a gun. Of Course, mom didn't approve. But she was beat for that. It was a perfect family. My mom and dad. With no rules, no chores, no school. I dropped out in my first year of high school. I mean, I'm sixteen now and I turned out fine.

I looked back at the guy. I was lost in my thoughts like usual of course but him not responding to me was a bigger annoyance. I stared him down.

"I know your parents, they raised to you to be like this, and I'm so sorry. You could of turned out so much better."

Anger washed over me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He doesn't know anything about me or my life. He never "treated" my parents. If he ever did, he would be dead right now. Why does he have any right to tell me I could have been different?

I remember yesterday. He had batman come in with that little robin of his. Batman had me pinned on the wall, while I laughed quietly. The robin watched me closely and I him. He looked familiar, I don't know why. I could tell he was around my age. I can't believe he choose the wrong side. I was more interested in him than anything Bats had to say.

"Where are they?!" He yelled in my face. I just moved my head and started watching Robin again. I could see him watching me too. I knew what he was seeing. My hair was to my waist and bleach blonde like my mothers. My eyes blue as the sky and makeup smeared all over the place. My red lipstick was smushed and my purple eyeshadow was wearing off. My eyeliner looking smoky.

I was in a black studded leather top and one side of my pants was red and the other black. Once again... leather. And my boots were the kind that strippers wore and they went up to my knees. I smiled at him. Not in the deranged way. Just a smile. A smile to smile. I pushed batman off me and walked over to the little Robin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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