Meeting Josh

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     The loud blaring of the alarm clock was the first thing that woke me up in the morning. I moaned and slammed my hand into the snooze button before falling back asleep, which didn't turn out so successful, because my twin brother Calloway came in and started to shake me, "Dude." He called. I moaned once more, jerking myself away. I stayed up late last night, because Calloway's dumbass dog vomited on my floor, and clothes, so I had to clean it.
"Augustus! Wake up!" Calloway whined, pulling off my blankets, "You're not a teenager anymore! You can't stay up  watching Riverdale and looking at dank memes til 3:00 in the morning!"
   I curled up, reaching for the blanket, but Calloway pulled it away. I sat up and looked at my brother, and he smiled. "Wow, not to be creepy or anything, but you are one of the most good lookin dudes I know."
"Yeah, you're only saying that because we both look exactly alike." I said, throwing a pillow at him. He laughed, "Geeeettt upppp!" He grumbled, in a low voice. I reach out for my glasses and yawn. Grabbing them and putting them on. Everything was clear now, and the first thing I see is Calloway looking down at me with a cheesy grin. A grin that I'm far too familiar with... he wants something from me.
"What is it now?" I asked. His eyes widened with a clap, "Lucky for you, bro, I need YOU, to walk, Wallace."
My eyes lower, with a dull, unamused expression, "You want me to walk that little shit!? After what he made me clean last night!?"
"Just do it, I gotta go to work and he can't just hold it til I get back." He complained. I paused, and huffed, "What do I get in return?" I asked, he rolled his eyes, "Its always something with you, isn't it, bro?" He laughed, before throwing a ten dollar bill at me, "Money. Does that satisfy?" He asked, grabbing his blazer and putting it on. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, sure." I said. He smiled, "Thanks dude, gotta go, be back later, bye!" He waved before walking toward the door, and his big dumb dog, Wallace walked up to him, and jumped on him, barking happily. "Good boy." Calloway chuckled, before pushing him off and heading to work.
   I get outta bed and glare at Wallace, and Wallace glared at me. He started to growl, and I honestly don't give a shit if he's a Doberman, ready to attack. I know Dobermans are considered "dangerous", but Wallace is just stupid. I mean, he's a little shit, and an asshole sometimes, but he's not dangerous.
   Pushing him out of the way, I walk to the living room and lay down on the couch, watching Riverdale.
Nearly 3 and a half episodes later, I got a text from my brother, and I just ignored it, then another text...
And another....
Annnnnd another...
I finally learned to ignore the vibrating sound, by throwing a pillow over my phone and I tilted my head back, playing around with the remote before the 8th text came in, so I thought it was important, so I finally answered.

Augustus, can you walk Wallace now?
Hello? Augie?
You walked him, right?
Dude! I paid you!
....please answer.

This man knows me too well, I sighed, pausing the show and I looked down at Wallace who was just laying there... being a dick.
"Come on, ya lil shit." I growled, grabbing his leash and putting it on him. He looked at me, as if he didn't want me walking him as much as I didn't want to walk him, but we both don't want him to take a steaming shit in the house, so, we both walked out the door, trying to get this done and over with.
   We managed to walk down the street, and I see a moving van. The neighbor was moving in, and judging by the amount of things, there was only one. I took a deep breath, and stared for a moment at the men moving the full sized bed into the house, trying to fire it through the door, but Wallace, being the douche that he is, pulled me forward. We took a walk around the corner and he finally took a piss, we started to walk back. We were almost home, walking past the neighbors house, and some men were still moving boxes, and the truck was a little less full. I see the door and I make my way for it, when suddenly, I hear a noise. It was an awkward squeal as a boy my age, maybe a little younger, rushed up to me, and started to pet Wallace, talking in the most annoying baby voice ever.
"Why hello, you little handsome boy, whats your name?" He asked. Wallace barked happily, and the person giggled. "That's a nice name." He said.
   Then, I herd the words that I never wanna hear again. "Is this your dog?" He asked. I scoffed, "Him!? No way in hell would I-."
He looked up at me, and I could feel my heart stop... he had beautiful big brown eyes, wavy brown hair, freckles, and the most adorable smile. I then didn't know what to do, or what to say, so I froze up.
"W-would I... let this dog be anyone else's because he's my dog... yep... Wallace is MY dog, and I lo-."
I can't say it... I didn't think I would have to actually FORCE myself to say it. This was one of the hardest things for me to say in my life. I took a deep breath, and grinned my teeth.
"I... Love Wallace." I finally said, reaching down to pet him. Wallace growled, nipping at me, biting the end of my finger, and I pull away, letting go of the leash.
"You lil shit!" I growled under my breath.
"What?" The boy asked, looking up at me again. I shook my head in a panic, "N-nothing." I said before the boy stood up, holding his hand out to shake. "Hello! I'm Josh, Josh Holland, I'm your new neighbor. It's nice to meet you!"
  He's so... cute. And adorable. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes, and I smiled softly before reaching out and shaking his hand.
Josh's hands are so warm, and soft, and... small, and holdable, and they have a weak grip. Eventually, our grip loosened before I smiled, "Nice to meet you." I said, before walking to my house. When I finally got home, I closed the door, leaning on it, and then I herd a knock at my door. I answered it, and there was Josh. Tilting my head a little, I smiled, "Josh? What are you doing here?"
"You forgot your dog..." he said, handing my a leash. My eyes followed the leash to see Wallace glaring at me, with a hateful look in his eyes. I huffed a little before smiling, thanking him, then closing the door.
   Then, I bent down to Wallace's level, "Bite me again, and you'll never see the end of it." I threatened, before taking his leash off of him. Wallace ran around, and I fell on the couch, playing Riverdale, picking up from where I left off, but I found it challenging to focus on the show, because only one thing was going on in my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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