♥♡ Chapter one - The Dream, the voice ♡♥

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Authors note ♥

Hey guys, 

It’s been quite a long time since I started writing again. I’ve got a pretty good understanding of how the book will turn out, and so far and it’s k i n d a epic. Haha. Well I hope you enjoy the first chapter of the book! It would be great if you could vote and comment.

Without further a due, I give you chapter one of this spectacular book. ( I hope <3)  


Sophie x 

Chapter one: The dream

I sprawled and stretched across the freshly fallen leaves and ran my small fingers though the blades of grass. My lungs refilled themselves with the sweet earthy aroma while the rays of sunlight danced across my pale skin. I sunk my fingers into the soft ground and pushed myself up, taking in the beautiful landscape surrounding me. The vastness of the azure sky in front of me, with not a single cloud in sight. The trees extended high up encircling the entire view, once in a while the faint beating wings of butterflies would be heard  as they swam across the sky and clouded the scene. The crystalline rain droplets would twirl off from one leaf to another and into the lake. The trees would cast their reflection on the lagoon creating a dark silhouette against the subtle blue. If it’s difficult imagining, picture perfection and put it in front of your eyes. 

Suddenly there was strong gust of wind causing my strands of hair to act as cords whipping against my face. I strived to push myself up but the current of air protested and knocked me back down. My vision became a blur as the trees grew talons and the sky became a metal grey. The wind continued to blow, thrashing me across the field. When all of a sudden my back smashed into a cold metal wall. It felt as if millions of daggers pierced through my skin, followed by a deafening crack. Screaming in pain I clutched my body, only to be thrown back against the impenetrable wall over and over. Warm liquid oozed down my face and clouded my entire vision. What is happening. I thought. Another excruciating pain shot through me, but this time it was in my head. I opened my mouth to scream but instead, burning hot liquid spurted out and clogged up my entire throat, making it almost impossible to breathe. As I choked on my own blood,  it got more and more difficult to think straight. Then all of a sudden I felt another sharp sting shoot across body. Although this time it wasn’t painful. The sting felt as if something was trying to hold me from slipping away. “Listen to me Ren. Stay focused. Keep your eyes open and stay alive. I can’t lose you.” Instantaneously my body reacted to the deep husky voice and my eyes snapped open. 

The chaos around me had completely vanished and I was in a totally new place. 

My old cottage. 

“Honey! Ren? Is that you? Where have you been? Oh how I’ve missed you so much! Come over here!” I heard a cheerful voice behind me.  I turned around and stood there stunned, facing a few feet away from me was my father. I felt a few tears escape my eyes when I had realized how badly I had missed him. My father had died of  a heart failure six  years after I was born. Our relationship was extremely strong,  and in my eyes I saw him as more of a friend than a father. He always made me laugh and joined all my tea parties without hesitating.  He was always there for me and was the shoulder I would cry on. Basically he was my best friend and sadly my only friend. “Ren. It’s a trap. Don’t run to daddy. Daddy isn’t daddy. You’re going to hurt yourself and never wake up if you run into his arms.”  The strange voice made my legs feel weak and my eyes grow heavy. “My baby. Come to me Ren. I’ve got your favorite freshly baked brownies set on the table! All you’ve got to do is come to daddy and you won’t have to go back and live a troublesome life. Come Ren.” He beckoned me to come towards him. As soon as my eyes met his face, I automatically felt a magnetic pull towards him. I felt his eyes slowly pierced me as I felt my small legs started walking forward. “Stop” I heard the voice hiss. I started to panic when my body didn’t follow my command. Reality hit me as I realized I had lost total control over my body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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