Easy Breakfast Ideas

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Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It helps you concentrate and sets the feel for the day. It's also something to look forward to in order to get out of bed.

• Smoothies are usually very healthy and easy to make. There are many flavors of smoothies, one for every persons taste. As a breakfast I would suggest trying a smoothie bowl (adding granola, honey and fruit on the top).
• A very simple breakfast to make. Whether you want to be an anime girl or bring something on the go, it's great for breakfast. The carbohydrates will leave you fueled throughout the day. Some suggestions to add on your toast are egg, avocado, cream cheese, fruit or honey.
Fruit Salad
• Fruits are super tasty and healthy. So why not make a fruit salad based off your favorite fruits. They are packed with nutrients and its super good for your health.
• If you're tired of the healthy food suggestions, you can opt for something more sweeter like pancakes and waffles topped with chocolate, berries and jam. Scones, muffins, cinnamon rolls and cookies are other ideas.
• This option is pretty tasty. All you have to do is mix plain Greek yogurt with some granola and fruits. You can add chocolate or honey for a flavor boost.

Other breakfast suggestions:
• avocado toast
• waffles
• oatmeal
• eggs
• grilled cheese sandwich with egg
• bagels (with your topping of choice)
• dried fruit/snack bar
• protein bars
• a simple sandwich

Breakfast Inspiration:

Breakfast Inspiration:

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