001 - Rebirth And What Comes After

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Loki Laufeyson was born twice. First, as the God of Mischief and Lies and then again as the God of Stories. He really wasn't planning on dying to Thanos' hands, but Fate was never on Loki's side. His mother died first; and the thing was, she never would've died if Loki hadn't told the monster to take the stairs to the left. She never would've died if Loki hadn't been in that damn cell.

After his mother, things started going downhill. Loki "died" and took Odin's spot as All-Father, stripping him of his power and stranding him on Earth. Rumors started surfacing that enemies of Asgard started coming together and planning to bring Asgard to its knees, and Loki, disguised as his adoptive father, chose to ignore them. A few months later, Thor's arrival and the actions that followed forced Loki to shatter his illusion completely. Hours later, Odin died and their sister decided that the throne was her's. Their sister bested them in battle, and Hela knocked Loki out of the Bifrost.

And so Loki fell.

He screams for five days and five nights, in hopes that someone, anyone, can hear him but his voice makes no sound. He screams for his brother to save him, save him from falling once more into the clutches of the Mad Titan. He screams for his mother and his father to comfort him, but in the Void, Loki's voice makes no noise. And so he falls, until he falls into a dirty, trash filled river.

It takes him two hours to pull himself out of the river and find shelter. It then takes an entire week for the panic attacks and tears to stop. On the Tuesday after he fell into the Void, Loki leaves his shelter and kills seven scavengers who tried to eat him. On Thursday, he finally makes it to a city. He learns from a couple that this place is called Sakaar, and the only way for him to get back home is to speak with the Grandmaster.

That night, he sleeps in an abandoned ship.

The following morning, Loki goes to what he assumes is the Grandmaster's castle. He hides himself with an illusion from the guards, slips past them and into an elevator. A purple woman with bright pink hair stands next to him holding a tray of drinks.

"Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I don't know you're there." She says cheerfully into the open air. Loki gets rid of his illusion and meets the curious eyes of the girl. She takes one look at his messy hair and sets down the drink tray. She reaches up to move a strand of hair that was out of place. Loki flinches slightly and she frowns, pulling her hand away and picks the tray up again. "If you're meeting with the Grandmaster," She says. "You might want to tidy yourself up a bit. He's not very fond of untidy people."

"Thank you?" Loki says it like a question and he uses magic to shift into his battle armor. The girl gives him a sad smile and shakes her head. "I'm afraid I didn't hear a word you just said. I left my hearing aids on my bedside table this morning and I haven't had a chance to go get them." Loki nods his head and lifts up his hands slowly. 'Do you know sign language?' He signs and the girl gives him a look. "Of course I know sign language!" She teases. "My name is Sarah, if you were wondering. And I hope you know that you're probably going to be here awhile."

'What do you mean?' Loki gives her a confused look. "The Grandmaster is very opened minded. And you're handsome enough to catch his eye. If you were planning on leaving, you might want to put a pin in it." She shrugs with a smile on her face.

The elevator dings and the doors open with ease. Sarah walks out of the door and to the left, leaving Loki behind to find his way to the Grandmaster.

Loki does find him eventually. And to his amusement, Sarah was right; the Grandmaster seemed to really like the God. He talks with the Grandmaster about leaving and the Grandmaster laughs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He says after he calms down. "Were you thinking about leaving? Sorry to say, but you aren't going anywhere."

And He Fell [Loki Laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now