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Haruka took his time bending down to pick up his water from the vending machine, purposefully ignoring the seemingly-deafening sound of footsteps walking and eventually, stopping right by him. He didn’t have to turn around to know who the visitor was. He already knew: Yamazaki Sousuke.

Slowly standing back up, Haru thought to himself, Yamazaki’s been eyeing me for a while now… Quickly coming to a realization, he continued the thought in alarm, Could it be that he has feelings for me?!

Turning around to face Sousuke, they stared at each other. As Haru was lost in his panicked thoughts, Samezuka’s resident butterfly-specialist sighed deeply and pushed himself off the wall, making his way towards Haru.

That finally got his attention.

Oh, no…! Haruka thought worriedly, biting his lip. He’s coming here, to this desolate place…

“Don’t come any closer!” He warned, pressing himself to the vending machine with his arms across his chest like a defenseless virgin. “Or else I’ll yell for help!”

Sousuke stopped and looked confused for a moment before an expression of frustrated realization crossed his face.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” He snapped, tutting. “I only have interest in my angel, Rin. You are completely unwanted.”

“Sure you are,” Haru sneered in accusation, sarcasm leaking into every word he said. “Don’t lie to me! Not with those erotic drooping eyes of yours!” He quipped, glaring.

Sousuke was once again cast into confusion by the obsessive-swimmer which was voiced as his question, “Doesn’t your friend, Tachibana, have drooping eyes too…?”

It was quickly answered with a haughty, “Don’t compare Makoto’s cute drooping eyes to yours! I refuse to be tricked!”

By this time, Yamazaki Sousuke had been thoroughly confused and thrown off track from his intended goal by the conversation. “Um…”

“Go away!” Nanase shooed with one hand, the other arm still crossing his chest protectively. “I don’t want whatever you’re trying to do! Your seduction won’t work on me!”

“Uh…” The olympic swimmer backed away wearily as Haru glared at him. “I’ll take my leave now.”

Haruka watched in satisfaction as the other boy hurriedly walked away, rushing to get away from the scene.

Crisis averted, seduction stunted.

A/N: Hahahahahahahahaha. Go ahead and hate me for this. I love it! Based of this comic: http://grallais.co.vu/post/91502448315/posted-with-permission-it-would-be-so

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