CHAPTER ONE:"I would asphyxiate you,"

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HelloItsMeTheAsshole my prodigy, arcticstars one of my writing heroes sall_hwa another one of my writing heroes gabehelmysass some weird profile I found thru the grapevine.

Tuffy's ears pricked up when she heard the bell by the door ring, signaling that she finally had a costumer that wasn't her sister.

Sadly, Cross walked in, smiling brightly, muttering to herself.

"Hi, Cross," Tuffy said, sounding crestfallen, everyday for the past month, only her sister came in, excluding the few who came to use the bathroom.

"Now, little sister, why aren't you happy to see me, your big sister, whom of which has made an advert for Tuffy's Tasty Tarts!" She quite haughtily declared.

"What'd you do," Tuffy asked, mindlessly washing the already sparkly clean counter top.

"I made an Instagram account for it!" She squealed, barely even able to conceal her happiness.

‘Honestly,’ Tuffy thought, ‘at this point, I'm willing to try anything.’

"I'm going to the mall," Tuffy announced, feeling light-headed.

She sauntered from the countertops to the door. She opened it, the bell ringing behind her. She stepped out.  Faintly, she could hear her sister talking to her fiance, Cris.
"And what do you want for Christmas, young lady," Mateo inquired his neice, Maria, fake jolly packed into his voice.

"I didn't know Santa was Spanish," wondered Maria who was trying to irk Mateo.

"Just say what you want, child,"he warned through gritted teeth.

"Jeez, pushy much,"she said, Mateo gave her a look that meant, ‘hurry up or I'm not buying you any dollies,’.

"Jeez fine, I want for Dad to come home, can you, fake mall santa make that happen?" Maria, quizzed, tears forming in her eyes.

"Maria," he sighed, thinking of his brother,"don't. Next!"

"Ok. Bye. Love you, Tío Mateo"

"Love you too, my sobrina."
"Esperé, dama, your wallet!" Mateo called out to Tuffy.

Tuffy couldn't hear him for, she was to busy worrying about TTT.

"Lady! Red hair! Oh por el amor de!" He said, remembering who that is.

"Sra. Conners tengo tu billetera!" Ignored. She probably doesn't know Spanish.

"Ms. Conners, I have your wallet!" He translated, finally, her head whipped around to the sound of her name.

"Yes," she asked.

"Hi, I'm Mateo Garćia and I have- well had, your wallet," Mateo introduced himself, realizing he didn't know where her wallet was.

"How would you feel if I told you I lost your wallet?" He asked.

"Is this a hypothetical?" Tuffy interrogated.

Mateo shook his head.

"I would asphyxiate you," she threatened, through gritted teeth.

"Well, then, looks like your going to have to kill me 'cause I lost your wallet." Mateo gulped.

"You did what!?"

"Lost your wallet,"Mateo muttered, feeling like a child caught with his or her hand in the cookie jar.
Tuffy and Mateo searched up and down for hours for that wallet.

"You, my friend, are a peice of rubbish,", divulged Tuffy as she seacrched thru the lost and found at the mall.

"Excuse mi but, I'm not your amigo. Also, you should be kissing my feet! I did something that most in -the made up- city of Kirby's Peak never would've done!" Mateo said, sounding offended.

"I found it!" Cried Tuffy, although she was pretty sure it was another false alarm.

Slowly, hands trembling, she opened the wallet.

Once it was opened, Tuffy was met with her I.D.

"Thank you, Lord," Tuffy and Mateo exclaimed at the same time, both of which happy to be able to rid themselves of each other.

Word count:  600 words

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