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WELCOME, to the 74th annual Inside the Box competition!

Well, it's not the 74th yet, but I don't actually know the exact number of instalments there have been, due to my having tuned out past the third one. So, I have decided that I'll start a series of new instalments which will hopefully carry on.

I'll dedicate this chapter to MoonlightWaters, or Moggy as most of you may know her as, because she was the one hosting the competition when I first entered it. Hopefully this instalment will be nearly as good as yours was :)



1. All one shot stories must be based on Doctor Who. Inside the Box is a Doctor Who competition after all, so we'll be sticking with the fandom throughout.

2. Each story must be at least three pages long, and must not be over eight pages. This is just to make sure that everyone writes a reasonble amount for each story, and also so that the judges don't need to spend hours reading though them.

3. Submit stories on time. This rule is going to be fairly strict (not that the others won't), missing a deadline might be alright if you have a good excuse and talk to me about it first, but otherwise, it's a sure fire way to get you eliminated for the next round.

4. No story should be rated R - and by this I don't just mean you shouldn't rate your story as R. None of your stories should contain things that could be considered to fall under the domain of that rating. PG-13 is acceptable, but no more.



First Place: A follow, two dedications, a promotion of your account on my profile for three months, I'll fully read/critique any three of your stories, and you'll get to be the next one to host this competition! (And a possible special speed round prize.)

Second Place: A follow, a dedication, a promotion of your account on my profile for two months, and I'll read/critique any two of your stories. (And a possible special speed round prize.)

Third Place: A follow, a promotion of your account on my profile for a month, and I'll read/critique any one of your stories. (And a possible special speed round prize.)



When I first joined Inside the Box, our challenge was to write a short one shot as our entry. I really liked that idea, so I'm going to ask you all to do something similar. I want you to write a short entry 1-2 pages on the following prompt:

Late at night you're woken up by a strange sound coming from outside. It takes you a moment to pick up on it, but it almost sounds like the TARDIS materialising. Tiptoing over to the nearest window, you glance outside to find that there truly is a great blue police box sitting just outside your home. What do you do?

Feel free to get as creative with it as you like, but I do have another rule for this. Don't involve the Doctor himself in your story. Anything involving the TARDIS is fine, but we're leaving the Time Lord out of this entry round.

Also, the winner of this round will get an advantage for the next round!

Please comment 'Entered!' below, to let me know you'll be joining. I'd also appreciate it if you could link me to your entry once it's posted.


All entries must be in by SEPTEMBER 3. Round 1 will begin on SEPTEMBER 7.



Good luck to everyone! I hope you'll all enjoy your stay Inside the Box that's bigger on the inside C:

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