The First Christmas for the Dragonhearted

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Jack was walking through town, his armor at home and only having his iron sword on him as he checked on the houses in Beacontown, excited for the time their own celebration would come.

It felt weird; they'd been the Dragonhearted for less than a year, and his and Jake's birthday had already passed (on October 19, Jack and Jake were born), making them officially 18.

Snow was falling already, but Jack had seen it coming, as it was Christmas Eve and the finishing decorations were being put up for the Annual Christmas Party.

The Order hall as it was still called loomed over Jack as he walked in, checking the preparations.

He walked in to find Jake cursing in the kitchen.

"Jake!  Watch your language!  What's wrong?"

Jake groaned in defeat.  "I can't get the eggnog right this year!"

Jack sighed.  Jake made the best eggnog in 40 miles.

"What's different this year?  You're still making eggnog, and besides, nobody's gonna judge you!"

Jake sighed.  "Yeah, except the rest of town who's never had it!"

Jack mentally facepalmed before getting an idea.  "What if Jay helped you?  You two work really well together!"

Jake's face lit up.  "Really?  You think?"

Jack nodded.  "She wanted to do something anyway since we ran out of jobs to give her."

Jake smiled as Jack called Jay over, who immediately loved the plan.

As the couple got to work Jack walked over to Stone and Addie, who were hanging decorations and setting up the party room.

"Woah, this looks amazing guys!"

Stone smiled, before falling off the ladder onto the floor.

Jack winced, and Addie helped him up, checking his head for any injuries.

"He's fine," she told Jack before poking Stone in the head.

"Ow!  That hurts someone who just fell face first onto hardwood!"


Jack smiled, secretly waiting for Stone to ask Addie out when a hand tapped him on the shoulder.

Jack turned around, seeing Tina in a red sleeveless dress going down to her ankles.  Her hair had been curled and was slightly over her left eye.

Jack felt his face turning red.

"Well?  You like it?"

Jack nodded.  "You look... amazing, and the party hasn't even started yet."

Tina chuckled a little.  "I'll take over for now; you still need to get your own outfit!"

Jack realized she was right, and nodded, explaining what was left before grabbing some iron and gold to pay and running to the store like his life depended on it.


"Aaaannnd... done!"

Jake and Jay triumphantly held up their large amount of eggnog.

"Hey, this tastes better than normal!"

Jake glared at Stone and Addie as Stone realized what he said.  "Uhh..."

Jay smiled before Jake watched Tina pass the door, waiting a few seconds.

"So, about my brother and Tina..."

A New Generation Christmas Special!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat