Sunday evening, 22:52, 24 - 07 - 2067

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'Why are these things so difficult nowadays,' Vivio Complained.

'Otherwise leave it by this.' Yui said.

'But Yui, I want to help that poor child and their Dad.'

'So do I, but I don't want to end up killing myself because of sleep shortage or to much work stress.'

'You're right, let's call it a day for now.' Vivio sighed.

It was silent, but still, the sounds could be heard. the sounds of...

'Vivio, Víívio! are you ok?'

I heard the voice and looked up seeing a male figure.

'what, where , how.'

she mumbled while she opened her eyes and blinked. after some time she saw her upperclassman Yuikono right next to her bed. her bed. HER BED!? How did he get in!? How did she end up like this. Where was she even lying on? And most important, where is Yui?

'You are in the hospital.' Vivio heard someone say

'You passed out while doing an investigation, my advice is to stay here for the night because you really need to rest, otherwise you'll collapse again.'

A gentil voice was talking to her which made her feel comforted.

But, where was she, and how did she pass out like that. And still she didn't know where Yui was.

'Hey, Yuikono,'she asked, where is Yui.

'She went home already, She said that she had a Engineering test tomorrow.

Otherwise she surely would've stayed'

'You s-should get some r-rest too.' She sputtered out.

'I will be fine, but I do have some things to do so I still need to go.' he replied

'I will see you at school again.'

'I might take tomorrow of just because I need some sleep.' Vivio said

'If you'll take a day of tomorrow, might you be able to stay in the hospital for another night because we want to do some investigation. Collapsing so out of the blue while having a conversation, isn't normal, even with sleep shortage.' the nurse said gently.

'Yeah no problem' she replied

Thanks for that, we will make sure we will do it precisely.

I have no Idea where I am, But it seems like a hospital. how did I end up here? Oh, I remember, I ended up in a fight and got knocked out. Hmmm, well too bad, next time better, I guess. But wow they were strong. If only they didn't use their strength for killing without reason but helping someone. Why is no-one I know like th...

'Oh, hey. Looks like you finally woke up.' a girl said who was lying in a bed next to her.

'Don't worry, he is on the bed on the opposite side. He had more injuries than you, so he won't wake up anytime soon.'

He should tho, I am sure he would've been healed by now.

'So, how did you end up here?' she asked.

'I got in a fight last night in the building next to the bank.'

'Are you sure you were there?' The girl replied agitated.

'Why do you want to know, but yes.' I replied confused.

'Did you happen to kill someone?'

'on the contrary. I was trying to protect my dad and brother.'

why did she ask if I killed someone? Why is she asking in the first place? And I don't even know her name yet.

'What Is your name actually?' I asked.

'Oh, Sorry. My name Is Vivio. And yours?'

'Mine Is Julia, Nice to meet you,' I replied relieved.

'So, you were saying that you were trying to protect your family?''Yes, from A strong gang who isn't known that well. only a few know of its excistence.'

'not well known you say. So this going to be a really tough one.'

'Why are you investigating?' I replied dodging her question for now.

'Because I am from the JUC, Justice Undercover Club, on our school. We help people by investigating crimes.' She replied proudly.

'That is fun to hear, Maybe I'll join too. I always liked the tv series.'

'That is good to hear, it might make our investigation easier. Anyways, we do have a secret but then you are forced to join and keep your mouth shut about it or we will hurt you in a way no-one can. This is just for your safety aswell as ours.'

'Ok, I'll promise. And by the way, I have something to tell too. so be prepared.'

'I might know what you are going to tell me, atleast the subject. and it has to do eith the fact that we are not in the normal section of the hospital. This is the section for people who are experienced in combat and do fighting themself, or people who have good fighting abilities. But there is somthing that surpasses that and I am part of that group. I am Vivio, A aprentice in combat strenth magic and master in protective and healing magic.'

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