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it was midday, and I was walking down the halls. as I was walking, the floor fell, but I hit something soft. when I looked around, I realized I was in my bedroom. still dazed from the fall, I heard glass break, followed by rumbling noises. I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs. when I got there, I saw something I'd never thought I'd see...or anyone else for that matter. in my living room, stood several Michael Jacksons-

"Ugh" I groan as my alarm went off. I rubbed my eyes groggily, disabled the alarm then trudged down the stairs to make my daily cup of tea.

As I was making my tea, I heard a strange sound come from the living room...like, sparkles. I started to go in there to see what the matter was, but the kettle whistled and I went back to the kitchen. I grabbed my mug from the cabinet, chose a tea bag, poured hot water over it, and added some sugar.

I let it cool for a couple for a few minutes, so, I played a game on my phone.

"Shit!" I sigh when I died in the flappy bird game. I grabbed my mug and took the slightest sip on my tea when I looked to the side to see Michael Jackson from the Jacksons era. Specifically  1980 Triumph Heartbreak Hotel

I choked on my tea and spilled it all over my clothes.

I hissed in pain.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, looking guilty.

"Oh no, this is my chance to see if your real or not!" I said as I grabbed a pen that was sitting on the counter. I first weighed it in my hand before I threw it at him, hard.

He winced, almost doubling over. "Ow! What was that for?"

Oh my fucking God, MICHAEL JACKSON IS IN MY HOUSE! wait! No he can't be. This is a dream, I know it is.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said as ran to him and grabbed his arm.

"Did that help with any grudge you've been holding?" he asked as we walking into the living room.

"You could say that..."

"Do you feel better?"


"Okay then, " he muttered, "is this your house?"


He looked around, teetering on his heels, hands behind his back. "It's lovely"

I couldn't help but feel flattered. "Thank you."

With the mindset that I'm having a lucid dream, I disregard everything that's going on, until I hear another strange, sparkle sound come from the upstairs bathroom.

"S-stay here, I'll be back" I turned and jogged upstairs. When I got up there, I saw two Michaels standing in the hallway. Specifically Baby Be Mine from the Thriller album and Rock With You from Off The Wall

"B-b-b-b-b-but-" I stuttered.

Baby Be Mine Michael frowned. "But what?"

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE-" I stood there dumbfounded as the two Michaels looked at me as if everything was normal.

"Be what?" Rock with you Michael asked.

I sighed. They obviously didn't see anything abnormal about the situation. "Okay. Erm...How did you-"

I hear multiple sparkles sounds come from my room.

"OH MY GOD. There is and is going to be gold glitter everywhere, I'll clean it later." I looked around and covered my face with my hands

I began to walk towards my room. When I  open the door in front of me stood four Michael's Heartbreaker Michael from the Invincible album, break of dawn from the Invincible album, you rock my world, and threatened. I guess my brain couldn't pick which one.

I still think I'm dreaming

"Oh, so Y'all come in pairs huh?" I said growing annoyed with all seven of the Michaels in my house, so far

Heartbreaker rolled his eyes and pushed past me harshly and went downstairs as if he owned the place

"ooh, I'ma have a bone to pick with him someday" I hiss and turn back to the other Michaels that stood in the room

"go downstairs" I ordered them, they walked downstairs and there go some more sparkles

"I swear to God if there are four Michael Jackson in my backyard... I'm punching a wall" I muttered as I walk downstairs and outside

"Woah." I heard from the side of me, remember the time was currently staring at me with big eyes.

"yes, this is woah. Now go inside"

he made a stank face and walked into the house, I sighed shaking my head and went to sit in the grass

"Hey!" I hear above me, it was Jackson 5 specifically I'll be there

"Hey! wait.... you look like me! but younger, Stop trying to copy me!" I hear on the other side of me, and there he was again but this time it was the Jacksons enjoy yourself

"I ain't trying to copy you! I was born this way!" I'll be there argued

enjoy yourself opened his mouth to protest but I quickly interrupted

"both of you in the house!" they ran inside quickly

"I know you out here somewhere, just come out so we can get this over with," I spoke waiting for the other MJ to come out of his hiding spot

I was looking and walking around with my shirt sticky and my shorts that nobody can see, everyone walking around probably thought I was naked under this thing,

the ground started to shake and the wind was going crazy it was like something was...

"landing." I finished my thoughts while I watched the spaceship-like figure land.

the door opened and there stood five Michael

"ghost, is she the mean, nasty girl that has been telling everyone to go in the house that you've been telling me about?" another part of me asked

I felt offended but also if I thought about it... I didn't care. they came here when I would only have the morning to myself and the rest of the day I would be busy, so it's their fault I'm bitchy

"yes, yes I am! the entrance is to your left. you may proceed to go into the living  and take a seat in whatever chair is available." I smiled sarcastically

"mhm, she not so bad after all!" he smiled and skipped his way into the house

"did he not hear th- that's none of my business" Xscape sighed and walked into the house

Ghost stood there scared


"Yes ma'am," he said ran into the house

I really hope this is all a dream...

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