Intros to the Characters

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- Deals with a lot of anxiety
- very soft person
- very loyal and trustworthy person
- a great listener
- not the best at giving advice
- She doesn't like to keep things to herself so she's very outspoken.

- usually shy only to people she's meeting for the first time
- typically not an open book.
- adores music and it's one of the things that keeps her sane most of the time.
- Her friends are really important to her.
- 22 years old

- brownish red hair
- blue eyes
- a very open minded and open hearted woman.
- struggles with self image sometimes
- always has her heart set on something and go with it even if it backfires
- 23 years old
- Full name is Megan

- Brown hair
- Brown eyes but they change color in the sun
- Deals with a lot of trauma and mental health issues
- Great at giving any advice
- Great listener
- Pretty chill
- Somewhat good fashion sense
- Caring
- Wild
- Cares a lot for her friends
- Short as fuck (5'0)
- Extremely sarcastic and witty
- Full name is Itzel

- She's very creative.
- Plays violin
- Seems like a social butterfly because of the group she hangs out with it, but on the inside I'm just a "nerd" and introvert.
- Don't really talk much in groups just stand and nod or agree with everyone.
- I really only have 1 close friend and everyone else is just there.
- A bitch if you get on her bad side

- 21
- Has dark brown eyes
- chestnut brown hair
- depressed but good at hiding it
- quiet at first but loud after awhile
- wheezes
- loves music
- kinda sarcastic and rude at times
- cares for her friends more than anything.
- lowkey boy crazy

- Brown Hair. Blue eyes
-very skittish of new people
-but really funny once you get to know her
-both tomboyish and girlish
-cares a lot of her close friends
-will hurt a bitch who hurts her friends 

-Brown hair brown eyes
-very shy person when it comes to meeting people in real life but online is a social butterfly
-more on the tomboy side
-love any genre of music

- Dirty blonde hair
-blue eyes( get lighter in the sun)
- Has mild cerebral palsy (left side weaker than right, walk with slight limp)
-I guess I give good advice to people
- terrible at school
-love my friends
- crazy/wild
-caring to anyone
- Very very sarcastic
- a bit moody at times
- (5'8)

-Black hair
-Dark brown eyes
-on a good day she's 5'4
-has social anxiety
-a great listener but don't ask for advice
-when in a mood she could sit in bed all day and watch Netflix
-party animal
-a very big jokester

-Natural brunette, but dyes hair (at the moment blue)
-Brown eyes
-Very Quiet and Reserved
-Shy at first
-Cares about her friends
-Very Sarcastic
-Very Selfless
-Good girl reputation / Straight A Student
-a slut for sweatshirts

- Brown Hair
- light brown eyes
- very pessimistic but is very happy
- good listener
- good at comforting people
- good fashion sense
- shy
- caring
- smart
- short
- wears a lot of boots

The boys as themselves

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