Chapter 1

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                                                                                    The Beginning

           I am Aysia Victor 13 years ago a meteor hit earth. It brought a power source not known to the human race. My parents were scientist they found the meteor and studied it with their group of geologists. This group had 7 families in it the Jacksons, Boyce, Lees, Gregers, Soulers, and my family the Victors. Soon after, the scientist discovered that the power source can be used in miraculous ways. In the wrong hands it could destroy the earth. An alien scientist came to earth to take the meteor but soon learn his people were planning to take over the earth. The alien scientist found my parents lab and began looking at their research. He began to work against his colony he turned the meteor into many crystals that have different abilities.My parents found the alien he said his name was Ecomian but to call him Elijah.Elijah told my parents that these crystals are the only thing that could saveearth. My parents brought the other scientist in on the plan. But the colony found out that Elijah had turn on them. They captured him, and my parent and the other scientists went to safe him. My parent and the other parents hid all of us in a remote area they build for just this case. The only one who know about the place was Elijah and our parents. We waited for hour then someone came in. It was Elijah he was injured and out of breath. He found us in the little room and said, "come with me quickly". Elijah put to use of his alien ship and took us to this place he called area 47bc a place he could finally finish the mission that he was starting. He asked each of us our name we each said our name: Aysia Victor, Samuel Jackson, Sanaria Jackson, Tyler Boyce,  Annabell Lee, Ian Soulers, Adam Greger. He said he knew our parent and that they put him over us. We got to the safe place and settled us in. He said he would have to sneak back into our old home and get our belongings again. We went into the ship and went into each of our house and got all our stuff. I asked, "Where is mommy and daddy". He looked at me with sad eyes and said, "They are gone little one". We all cried for the loss of our parents. In the meantime, the daxamites were looking for the crystals that Elijah created, but Elijah had them and we were in grave danger. When we got back to the safe and remote location we settled in. To save our live to learn to protect us he gave us each our own power crystal. I got the orange one, Sanaria got a the aqua one, Samuel got the red one, Tyler got the green one, Annabell got the white one, Adam got the gray one, and Ian got the purple one. When we touch the crystals, it in powered us. Elijah said that with these crystals we would be safe but only if we stay hidden. He said he would train us to be protectors for of earth. Elijah also when out on his own adventure to hide all the power crystals. That one day they would be put to good use. 

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