His Lips

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Ever since (y/n) was a fetus (y/n) has dreamed of touching the Long Furbys lips every night when (y/n) closes (her/him) eyes she imagines the hard cold lips of Long Furby his passion growing every second his lips are touching (y/n)'s his lips taste the kiss of death. Ever since the new boi showed up in class (y/n) life changed.

Long Furby started going to (y/n)'s school and just so happened to be in (her/him) class. Whenever his cold dark eyes lingered over to (y/n)'s face and licked his lips with no pure intentions and (y/n)'s head only got filled with dirty thought's (she/he) tried to turn it off but (she/he) couldn't (her/him) burning passion set on fire by Long Furby was only growing larger by every second he looked at (y/n) and he knew it.

After class (y/n) walked to (her/his) locker only to be grabbed by (her/his) shoulders and pushed on (her/his) locker by the Long Furby. (y/n)'s breath calmed down knowing it was him the boi it was the Long Furby. "What are you doing here Long Furby" the boi leaned in with much passion in his eyes the fuzz on his head getting frizzier as his dry hard lips touch yours. He wouldn't let go of (y/n)'s lips every second (she/he) didn't regret a single second of it.


This is what happens when I'm bored

Long Furby x Reader (ONESHOT)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz