Chapter one

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Faye Warren barely listened to Lauren's droning as she looked at the calm waves that crashed gently onto the sand, it was an unusually over cast day in California but it was still a warm day none the less. Lauren either didn't notice or didn't care that Faye wasn't listening as she carried on with her story. The allure of the water had captured her attention not long after the other girl had started talking.

The two girls sat next to each other on a towel atop the sand. They looked and acted so differently that it was a wonder how the two had ever met, let alone become friends. Lauren had an athlete's build, straight blond hair and icy blue eyes. She was naturally pretty but hid behind the extravagant amount of make up she wore. She had a very bold character and was selfish and manipulative, you could easily picture her as the queen if the school. Faye on the other hand thought of herself as completely ordinary, with dark brown, wavy hair and grey/green eyes that she thought lacked any light. She had a petite frame but had some curves, she wasn't flat chested but didn't have anything to boast about like Lauren. Unlike the other girl, Faye was kind, shy and quiet, she was the quiet girl in class that kept herself to herself and didn't mind about others business. The girls were complete opposites. Come to think of it Faye can't remember how Lauren and herself came to be friends. They met so long ago it was now a lost memory. Faye and her mother didn't live in California, no they lived in the city of New Orleans but travelled to a beach house there every summer. She could tell that Lauren was nearly finished, so she decided to pay attention.

"-and its just a shame about your mother, when are you moving to England?" Lauren's shrill voice asked, just as Faye started to listen once again.

"I leave later today, I arrive at Birmingham in the morning." Faye replied, she didn't want to talk about her mothers death. Their beach house had caught on fire with her mother inside. That was five days ago. She was now moving to England to live with her maternal grandparents. She had not seen her grandparents since she was born and she can't remember that, for they lived in a small town called Cannock, near Birmingham.

"It's nearly four, I've got to go. Faye? Just so you know, I will miss you." Lauren sounded almost sincere when she said this. Faye just smiled and nodded at her friend. The girls embraced then parted to go their separate ways.

Faye walked back to the hotel that the police had put her in because the beach house was badly burnt. She was saddened by the fact that she would have to leave here and her home in Louisiana. When she was near the hotel droplets of water started to fall from the sky, her mood reflected the darkening sky.

When she reached her hotel room she had a shower. The warm, soothing water comforted her and the smell of her cherry shampoo and body wash brought a sense of normality to her unfamiliar surroundings. She was in the shower for at least half an hour before she got out. Only wearing a bath robe, she dried her hair and left it wavy, she always had help from her mother to do her hair because Faye always managed to burn herself or make a mess of it. Tears had sprung to her eyes as she thought of her mother. No Faye told herself You have to do this, without crying. Be strong just like ... mom.

After drying her hair, she put on some clean clothes. She wore a pair of bootcut jeans, a white vest top, a blue blouse unbuttoned over the top and black sneakers. After she was done, she finished her packing. Somehow Faye's room was left untouched by the roaring flame. The brunette had gone and collected her things before having a police escort to the hotel.

When she had finished her packing, she took her suitcase downstairs and handed her key into the front desk. She then proceeded to wait in the lobby for the officer who was going to drive to the airport. Looking around the room, she saw the different colors of people's auras. Ever since Faye could remember she had seen things and could do things that others can't. She could see auras and had almost supernatural instincts and intuition. Kind of like a sixth sense if you will. She could read people like a book and could always tell if someone was lying, or had bad intentions. Faye had told her mother of course but her mother hadn't said anything except for the fact that she was special.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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