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Red light

You know I can't make this thing that official

Believe we had a great night but I ain't the type to tell you that I miss you, shit

You don't like that I make this easy, leaving

After sexing on the floor

Baby I know you need me, like I need you

But I'm the one you wanna love

2 Years Later....

Becca watched me as I cleaned myself off with wipes and pulled my panties back up under my skirt,

she's such a sweet girl- pun intended. I guess you can say a strolled over to the lesbian side but I don't want it around my kids nor do I wanna be with a woman it's simply lust to me.

" Do you wanna wipe your mouth?" I asked Becca picking up the wipes container, seeing my juices still glistened on her lips.

" No I like having you on my lips" she smiled licking her lips and getting off her knees. My office door rattled but it was locked whoever it was couldn't get in.

" Open the damn door Tsai!" Karen banged on it like she was the damn police I rolled my eyes sprayed my Chanel No.2 perfume in the air.

" Coming I'm coming damn don't be rushing me" I yelled back at her as I went to the door. Open the window I mouthed to Becca she nodded and did as I said.

" Tsai there is a FI- oh hey Becca" Karen waved at her she shly waved back.

" I'm coming over to see the babies don't forget this time Angel" Becca said as she quickly walked out my office.

The girl was a down low freak when the doors were closed but shy, why I don't even know. She got herself together after everything I'm proud of her.

" You know after two years you would think she was used to me but anyway yea there's a fine ass white man out side talking to Missy and asking for you...I thought you said you haven't fucked since then" Karen narrowed her eyes at me.

" No I haven't been with any man since then" I shook my head at her it was the truth Becca isn't a man, I would never tell anyone about her and I.

" And what man is asking for me?" I walked out my office to Missy's desk to see and there was a man standing there talking to her.

" Hello I've heard you were asking for me do I know you?"

" I'm Nate- ah Nathan we talked on the phone" he saw that I still didn't remember him as frowned.

" Nathan oh shit! Nathan Wood like the Nathan that made other half.com?" Missy wide eyed asked, I palmed my forehead as he nodded smiling.

" Oh my God I'm so sorry Nathan I completely forgot you were coming in today. Follow me to my office" I mentally scolded myself damn Becca's head done fucked up my mind.

" I'm Tsai Lopez CEO and co- president of Fantasy Diamond magazine" I shook his had and he laughed.

" That sounds all professional and I'm just Nathan Wood" he gave me me a lazy smile as a closed my office door knowing Karen ass would be staring him down if I didn't.

" Take a seat please and your hardly just Nathan Wood I mean you basically made the lovers version of Facebook" I told him as I sat in my own chair.

Angel II: More Than A Woman | ON HOLD |Where stories live. Discover now