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Characters (band members)

Name: y/n
Middle name: m/n
Last name: l/n
Nickname: n/n
Hair Color: h/c
Eye color: e/c
Skin color: s/c
Band nickname: Smol Satan
Band: LostAngels
Band position: bassist and lead vocals
Age: 18
Fav. Color: f/c
Fav. Food: f/f
Fav. Member/closest member: Wednesday
Siblings: 2 older brothers, Salem and Lucifer (yes Lucifer)
Crush: Calum Hood

2nd member
Name: Ophelia
Middle name: Noire
Last Name: Vladna
Nickname: Lia
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye color: Light Green
Skin Color: Pale with freckles
Band nickname: Flower Child
Band: LostAngels
Band Position: Guitarist and back up vocals
Age: 20
Fav Color: Yellow
Fav Food: Lasagna
Closest Member: Clarice
Siblings: none
Crush: Luke Hemmings

3rd Member
Name: Clarice
Middle Name: Raven
Last name: Punchard
Nickname: Clare
Hair Color: brunette
Eye color: Dark Brown
Skin color: Olive
Band Nickname: Pastels
Band: LostAngels
Band Position: Guitarist and back up vocals
Age: 20
Fav. Color: Any Pastel
Fav. Food: fruits
Closest band member: Ophelia
Siblings: 1 younger sister, Chase
Crush: has a boyfriend

4th band member
Name: Blair
Middle name: Belladonna
Last name: Yamata
Nickname: Bea
Hair Color: dark purple
Eye color: hazel
Skin color: light skinned(light mixed)
Band nickname: Bella Luna
Band: LostAngels
Band Position: keyboard/piano and backup vocals
Age: 19
Fav. Color: Deep Violet
Fav. Food: Rice
Closest Band Member: Ophelia and Clarice
Siblings: 1 older sister, Raven
Crush: Ashton Irwin

Last member
Name: Wednesday
Middle name: Marcaline
Last name: Ross
Nickname: Día or Day
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Band Nickname: Weekend
Band: LostAngels
Band Position: Drummer and backup vocals
Age: 19
Fav. Color: Black and Grey
Fav. Food: Spaghetti
Closest Band member: Y/n
Siblings: Twin of Sunday (you see what I did there)
Crush: Michael Clifford

Hi, I'm Luka, this is the Band introduction..

Sorry it's.. idk, cause idk what I'm doing


5sos Quote:
Twist mate; I'm Twisting Bro!
-Calum and Ashton

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