Untitled Part 1

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The moon is high in the sky and not a star can be seen as I make my way to the attic. I've been waiting months for this night to arrive, and now it's finally here. In the attic I've set up a circle of eight candles in front of a large ornate mirror. Two blue candles to awaken my inner psychic energy, two purple to help enhance my magical prowess, two white for purity and protection, and two green for fertility and healing.

I walk the edge of the circle and light each of the candles their flames a rainbow of colors. I then walk around the circle chanting "em rof sdloh erutuf eht tahw ees ot hsiw yram I." Thirteen times I circle the candles, thirteen times I chanted, thirteen times my heart made a desperate wish, and as the moon reaches its highest peak in the sky I cross into the circle.

The circle's light turns an angry scarlet, and a strange wind sweeps through the attic as I cast my eyes upon the mirror. The glass of the mirror begins to ripple and crack, glass shards fly from the mirror. I throw my arms across my face to keep the glass from getting into my eyes.

Suddenly an intense burning pain in my stomach causes me to look down. My mouth falls open in horror, a scream dying on my lips. A long shard of glass is sticking out of me. Crimson blood is pouring out around the shard staining my white gown red. As my strength begins to fade, I fall to my knee's tears pouring from my eyes.

All I'd wanted to know is if I'd ever bear a child, but all I've managed to do is ensure that my life has ended all to soon. With my tears falling down my face I make a final desperate wish with all my heart. "I wish that I could stop others from making the same mistakes that I have made. I wish I'd known not to cast this spell."

As soon as my wish leaves my lips the wind stops, the mirror begins to glow faintly, and the candles all go out. My body begins to shimmer and within seconds I am looking at the attic from within the mirror. My spell my have ended my life, but at least I can spend the rest of eternity protecting others from make the same mistakes as me. 

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