Chapter 0

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Feeling a slight ticking sensation on my my cheek I slowly peek my eyes open to see my dog cas licking my face laughing I pet him on the head and push him away
"I'm up boy give me a minute and I'll take you out" I say to him cas is a lab pitbull mix I rescued him when he was only eleven weeks old and he has stuck by my said since. Getting up I walk over to my bathroom that is right next to my bedroom I have a small two bedroom apartment I turned the second bedroom into a little reading room, walking into the bathroom I do my business and start up the shower so it can heat up while I walk cas, walking down the short all way I slip my ugg boots on and grab cas's leash " come on boy let's go potty" walking out the door just as my neighbor Zach is walking out his "good morning Samantha" I glaring at him from across the hall he knows I hate people using my full name "morning Zachary" I say back smirking knowing he hates his full name just as much as I do. Walking past him I walk down the stairs to the side walk and the bit of grass out front letting cas do his business. "So Sam I'm having a small get together at my place tonight you are more then welcome to come " Zach says " if it's anything like your last get together no thanks " he smiles and shakes his head
" nope just some friends coming to watch some football feel free to stop by" he says as he back up to his Jeep that's parked out front, he gets in and drives away before I have the charro respond " asshole" I mutter under my breath walking back up to my apartment I toss cas his treat and head back to the bathroom to shower opening the door the hall fills with steam shutting the door and undressing I wipe off the mirror and look at myself for a second bedroom getting in the shower, I'm plan I done know what anyone would see in me I'm short about 5"2 I have wavy auburn hair that falls just past my shoulders, I'm no skinny girl I have a tummy and and a bigger butt and thighs. Shrugging my shoulders I pull back the shower curtain and step in as I'm washing my hair my mind drifts back to Zach I've known him most of my life we dated in high school he was one of the best looking guys with his shaggy blond hair and blue eyes he had the surfer look going for him witch was odd seeing as we lived in New York. Maybe I will stop by his get together later how bad can it be

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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