Chapter 1:Yuko and Kukai's son 2

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Yuko:Welcome to your new home Rokorou.
Kukai:I think he likes his new home.
Josh:Haha I think he's just glad to be with his parents.
Yuko:Hey dad.
Yuko:About the baby.
Josh:What about him?
Yuko:The reason why I named him Rokorou is because...remember when we were fighting Zukio.
Josh:Yeah why?
Yuko:Remember when Rokorou was killed?
Josh:Yeah...Sans said he took an attack from Gaster and told him he always looked up to Sans like a brother.
Yuko:That's why I named me and Kukai's son Rokorou.
Yuko:Cuz (Crying) Rokorou was like a brother to me. And I wasn't there to save him from Gaster. I couldn't save him. And I thought maybe when my son grows up I could train him to be a swordsman as strong as Rokorou was. (Sniffles)
Yuko:I couldn't save him!
Josh:Yuko its gonna be ok.
Kukai:Yuko look at me.
Yuko:(Looks at Kukai)
Kukai:Its gonna be ok. Everything comes to an end but that's why we just gotta live life to the fullest with the time we have on earth. At least that's what I figure...and that's what Sonic told me back when we were fighting Zukio. Also I think that's what Rokorou would want.
Josh:Kukai is right.
Josh:Rokorou's sacrifice was a very painful thing for us all but he wouldn't want us grieving over his death everyday. He would want us to be happy and live life to the fullest.
Yuko:(Sniffles) You guys are right. Rokorou would want us to live life to the fullest. After all I'm sure me and Kukai's child would want us to be happy.
Rokorou:(Reaches out for Yuko)
Kukai:Haha. I think somebody wants his Mother.
Yuko:What's up sweetheart?
Rokorou:(Points at bottle)
Yuko:Oh you want your bottle?
Rokorou:(Baby noises)
Kukai:He's learning fast.
Josh:What's wrong?
Kokomi:Our baby's kicking.
Josh:Oh. Hey Yuko.
Josh:Come here a sec.
Yuko:Kukai can you take over?
Yuko:Daddy's gonna take over now ok?
Josh:Put your hand on Kokomi's stomach.
Kokomi:Me and Josh's baby is kicking. And he wants you to feel him.
Josh:Its ok.
Kokomi:Go ahead.
Yuko:(Puts hand on Kokomi's stomach and feels the baby kick) I felt it!
Josh:Haha yep.
Kokomi:That's a sign that he's healthy.
Yuko:So yours is expected to be born next week right?
Yuko:I bet your excited.
Josh:I am but at the same time nervous.
Kokomi:That's normal for being a father for the first time.
Josh:I guess so.

Yuko and Kukai Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now