Chapter one

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Blake's POV

She slowly opened her eyes only to see a blur of red. She blinked
Her vision began to grow into focus as she made out the red to be ruby.
Of course

Ruby silenced her before holding up a mug
"Coffee or tea?"

"Oh... Tea I guess. Wait but..."
Again she was silenced. But by herself this time as ruby walked off into the kitchen

Blake sighed
Why does she have to be so damn cute
Laying back on her bed, she picked up a book and began to read. With only a chapter gone ruby was back. She handed the tea to blake and then sat next to her

She raised an eyebrow at the red hooded girl
"Thank you?"

"You're very welcome"

The two sat in silence for a while before ruby coughed
"Soooo, I was wondering if you'd like to take zui on a walk with me?"

She's kidding right?
"Ruby... You know I don't like... It. I'd rather stay here. Take Yang or Weiss"

Ruby groaned
"But Yang's busy and Weiss is boringgg"


"Sorry Weiss!"

Blake sighed before putting her book down
"10 minutes max, it comes nowhere near me and I don't come in contact with it... Also if it poops that's your dog your mess"

Ruby sprung up and gave her a huge hug
"Thank you Blaky!"

Blake smiled for a bit as ruby got zui ready before realization smacked her
Did she just call me Blaky? That's... Okay maybe it was just a in the moment thing. Nothing serious
She got up slipping on some casual clothes and followed ruby out the dorm.

About 4 minutes later they found a small forest and entered. Ruby let zui go off and explore while she stayed back with Blake

She looked up at the Faunus girl

"So what?"

"Soooooo what do you wanna talk about"

Blake just shrugged

"Awe common. I wanna tallllk. Yang usually does. So does Weiss"

"Correction, Yang's always shouting and Weiss seems to hate everyone"

Ruby went to deny it but found she couldn't. Instead she let out a snigger

"What? What's so funny"


"What do you mean, me?"

"You're making yourself seem better than them"

I am better than them.. better for you
She sighed
"Well I didn't mean to"

Ruby just started laughing more

"Oh what now!"

"You've gone pink!"

she looked into a small pond and saw. It's true, her cheeks were a soft shade of pink
"Oh so what. I'm just hot okay"

"You sure are"
She heard ruby mumble under her breath

"What was that?"

"O-oh uhhh nothing Blaky!"
Before Blake could do anything ruby was calling back zui

There he was. That big blob of evil hurdling towards them.

"Oh catnip"
Blake jumped slightly as she saw him. She let out a loud kind of yowl as he pounced into her

"Blake! Bad zui!"
Ruby ran over and lifted zui up expecting to see a terrifyed cat but instead saw a kind of smiling one

Ruby's pov

She stared at Blake then put down zui before helping her up
"Are you... Okay?"


Ruby froze, expecting to get scolded

"You never told me he was so fluffy!"

She just stared at Blake

"He's so fluffy it's adorable"

"Soooo... You like him?"

"No. But he's okay for now"

Ruby smiled more than she ever has before
"Yay! That's great! Now my kitty and my puppy like"
She suddenly realised what she said



"What did you say"


"Did you-"


"Call me-"


"Your kitty?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't kill me!"

Blake just laughed

Why is she laughing?

"Awe you're adorable ruby. And I thought you didn't like me"


"mhmm sure"
Blake gave her a quick peck on her cheek before getting zuis lead and handing it to her
"Common red, let's get back to the others"

Still shocked by all of this ruby took the lead and followed after Blake with zui nipping at her heals
"So Blake"


"You like me too?"


"For a long time?"


"How long for!?"

"5,6 months I'd say"

"Well... Well... I really like you too!"

Blake gave a soft smile turning to face her
"I know ruby"

They soon arrived back at the dorm and let zui attack Weiss with his love

They both sat down before Blake noticed the tea from before. She picked up the cup and walked onto the kitchen


"I'll be back in a minute"

Ruby just sat there humming to herself before she saw Blake come back with fresh tea and coffee.

Blake sat down again handing the coffee to ruby
"Here. Just the way you like it"

Ruby smiled and blushed lightly
"Thanks kitty"

"Only repaying you for earlier"
Blake gave her a cheeky smirk before sipping the tea

Ruby glanced at her before looking back at the coffee
She's so freaking cute
Ruby softly kissed her cheek just as Blake did for her before going on to drink the coffee

"I love you.."

"I love you too kitty"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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