The Fall of the Wall

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You woke up on the cold damp stone of the underground, the smell filled your nose and at one point had made you gag but after years of living in squalor you had grown used to the smell. You leaned further back against the stone, pressing your flushed skin against the wall that chilled your bones when the ground rumbled beneath you. Puzzled you waited for another rumbling trying to locate and recognize the sound and then it came, much louder and more significant, and then you finally realized something was wrong. You removed yourself from the wall and moved towards the exit and climbed up a half-way rotted wooden ladder and crept out of your hideaway. You covered the doorway and stepped into the back alleyway connected to your hideaway before stepping towards the light at the alleys entrance. You peeked around the corner of the ally's entrance and grimaced at both the light and the blood that splattered against your face. Surprised you jumped back into the alley way and touched the red liquid that now covered your face, you regained your calm and leaned back out of the alleyway and searched for the source of the blood. You looked around and then up and saw a giant in the form of a crude man towering above you, the creature you had been told to call a Titan now stood before you.

It's eyes were dead and cold as they stared down at you, a poor corpse hanging out of its mouth, before the beast tilted its head back and swallowed the poor soul. You looked up at the beast and grimaced at its hideous form and deranged bloodthirsty smile and grimaced before activating your stolen gear and propelling yourself up into the air and around the creature. You pulled one of your swords from its holster and swiftly came down upon the beast completely severing its head from its body destroy its weak spot beyond recognition.

You wiped your face from the creature and the corpses blood before riding the body down to the ground as it crashed. Debris and dust clouded the air around you as you descended from the Titans back, you jumped off of the beast and propelled yourself up onto a clock tower. You looked over the Shiganshina district and noticed the smoking hole laying within its barrier wall.

You heard the screams before you saw the source of them, three young children ran from across the street and behind a wall trying to hide from a lumbering Titan. You growled and flung your sword to the side ridding it of blood and charged landing in front of the children and sweeping them away from the Titan and onto a neighboring rooftop. The Titan, for its lack of intelligence, stared up at you in confusion before you were suddenly up in the air again and flying behind it like the wind. You rose up above it and came crashing down upon its weak spot, tearing large chunks of flesh from its body and stealing its life away. You smirked as the beast fell and you stepped off of the falling corpse and repelling back to the children.

You gathered the children back up and began to use your gear to soar towards the ferries before dropping them onto the decks and patting their backs before soaring off again with a salute. You jumped from rooftop to rooftop saving your gas for a quick attack and evasion should you need it. You ran towards a large Titan, its long beard swishing in front of it as its dead eyes roamed looking for its next victim.

You sprang up and pulled yourself onto the titans arm using its own momentum against it and causing the beast to loose its balance. As it fell you rappelled onto the edge of another building and spun in the air before coming down for a quick clean kill. You severed its weak spot and leaped from its still corpse flying off towards the breach in the wall. Then you heard screaming, desperate, heart wrenching screaming.

You made your way as quickly as you could towards the noise using the gas to propel you just a little faster before you spotted where the commotion was coming from. A young boy and girl stood next to a broken house struggling to free a figure that lay trapped beneath the rubble of a building you assumed to be their home. You stopped short however, dangling off one of the rooftops, when you saw a man in a Military Police uniform run up and try to help the children rescue their mother. The you felt the rumbling. You all turned and looked to see a Titan only a few hundred feet from you, the man sprinted towards the beast but froze in fear and suddenly ran back towards the children. You growled as he picked up the protesting and screaming children as their mother screamed her last words.

You watched as the Titan went to pick up the woman throwing the roof of the home off of her and grabbing her broken body. She screamed and struggled in the Titans death grip as you finally propelled yourself towards her you flew up behind the creature and came down upon it but not before it brutally killed the woman and swallowed her now dead body. You sighed from atop the beast as you looked down at the man running with the children only to see the boy look up at you in anger and sadness. His face covered in the blood of his mother he began to scream and thrash about before the man regained control of the two of them and took them towards the Ferries.

You followed behind them cutting down any Titan that dared get in you way or tried to get to close to the boy, you didn't know why but you knew he was important.

Only when they had finally reached the ferries and scrambled through the screaming and writhing mass of lost souls and onto the boat did you leave. You flew back out into the main town center cutting down Titan after Titan but soon you began to run out of gas. In your distracted state a Titan managed to bat you out of the sky where you fell, your gear breaking apart and separating from your belt. You yelped at the impact before rolling and getting back onto your feet, before suddenly another Titan was on you.

It grabbed you and you began to thrash around and scream before biting down on its hand. Its fluids covered your face as it stood unflinching before you, you smirked your growls turning into a load roar as a crack of lightning and steam replaced your small form.

Your form grew and expanded as you wished and as you broke through the Titans hand, ripping it apart at the joints, you towered above the Titan. You grabbed its head and torso and ripped it from its body completely destroying and mutilating its weak spot. You threw the two body parts aside and stood to your full height as a Titan. You were bigger than most Titans and appeared to be female in appearance, however you soon changed back and ran towards the ferries. You shifted into the form of a child, about the age of the two children you had seen earlier, and ran towards one of the men putting people on the ferries hopping that you would have a better chance of getting on with your young form. Luckily you had guessed right and he threw you onto one of the last ferries and the adults already onboard passed you over to a group of children about your age.

You watched as the ferry pulled away and began to head for the inner wall, not looking forward to what lay within it. You watched as Titans continued to destroy the land and the lives of innocent people and vowed to do all you could to protect what was left of humanity.


Welcome to Chapter 1 of the second book in the Rauko series! I hope you all enjoyed and I cant wait to see you in the next chapter!

Again welcome to book 2 and happy reading!


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