Partners In Crime

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Shuichi's POV

I am Shuichi Saihara, and we live in a world where it's survival of the fittest. No one cares no one cares how cute or young you are.. As soon as you could walk, your parents dropped a weapon in your hand and were teaching you how to use it. 

Me and Ouma-san worked for a top-notch inventor, Miu Iruma. Iruma-San didn't know how to fend for herself, having not grown up in this terror. She made the highest tech weapons imaginable, for us to use, and we protected her. She didn't care too much about us... She just provided us with weapons and a place to stay, in return for protecting her. Ouma-san didn't like Miu too much, he's always saying "She's no better than a one night stand.." Ouma-san hated people that slept with the person, left and never saw them again. 

I don't have too much of a problem with Iruma-san, I just hate her excessive mouthing off. It made it seem like those were the only words she knew.. I also don't like the way she'd threaten Ouma-san if he didn't do something right. Iruma-san is the best inventor out there, she's always coming up with new inventions, whether it is weapons or not, she knew what she was doing and was very passionate about it. 

Me and Ouma-san are the number one rated hit men in our area, we always get the job done, managing to stay hidden while doing it. "Our team is unstoppable!" Iruma-san always said, except Iruma-san, Ouma-san, and me weren't really a 'team' as much as me and Ouma-san were... Me and Ouma-san were as close as we'd ever been, we'd known each other since middle school. I was surprised to see him when we were assigned to Iruma-san, even though a hit man was the only job for men available, we were just rookies back then... It's been four years since then... Ouma-san and I tell each other everything, we never kept secrets. We always told each other everything, our problems, our concerns.

Ouma-san told me that he never believed in love at first sight until he met his first love, but he didn't tell me who it was. I always pressured him to confess, he just responded with "What if they're not gay? Or don't like guys?" he always seemed genuinely concerned when he said that, being the biggest flirt ever. I didn't want to pry so he never told me who it was.

 - Present Day -

Kokichi's POV

I was laying across the couch, stretched out, it was the first time in a while that we've been able to come up to the living room. Our room was downstairs, don't get me wrong, our room is amazing. It's very well furnished. Iruma-san didn't have any other beds, so me and Saihara-chan had to share a queen bed, so good job on Iruma-san's part! Iruma-san was out on some area leaders business meeting, or whatever. Which meant me and Saihara-chan were home alone, Iruma-san would be gone for three days, because she had to go out of town... I'm not really sure what she said. 

I had a secret that I'd been keeping from Saihara-chan since grade school, and he's been really trying to pry it out of me these past few weeks. I sighed and he grabbed the remote, starting to surf through the channels. I had mustered up the courage to tell him what it was, that I'd been hiding from him since grade school, we had gone to an all boys school since elementary, meaning that a lot of the boys we graduated ended up gay, including me..

I had and still have the biggest crush on Saihara-chan. But I never told him because I was afraid he'd reject me because he always showed more feelings towards Akamatsu-san...I didn't even know what his sexuality was, I can't just wing it. I have to get more information! My phone buzzed on the table, (it may be a post-apocalypse world but we still have phone service~!) I looked at it, I said Rantaro Amami? "I thought he died!?" I exclaimed as I rushed to grab my phone. "Hey~! Ouma-san! Long time no see!?" I read the text out loud to myself 

- 3rd Person POV -

Kokichi sighed and began to respond, "Yo~! Amami-chan!! How have you been? How'd you get my number?"  He sent the message and threw his phone back on the coffee table. Shuichi sleepily walked out of Kokichi and Shuichi's bedroom, dragging his feet as he walked to the couch where Kokichi was. "Good morning, sleepyhead! You're finally up Shuichi~!" Kokichi said in a cute singsong voice. Shuichi flopped onto the couch, next to Kokichi. Kokichi's face was covered in a light pastel pink blush. "S-Saihara-san!?" Kokichi stammered as he looked at Shuichi. "Shuichi, first name basis," Shuichi mumbled as he closed his eyes once again. Kokichi chuckled and held Shuichi close subtlety. "Right, right," Kokichi responded. "Oh yeah, Kokichi, what was it that you needed to tell me?" he asked groggily. 

"O-Oh!? How did you know I was.. going to um, ask you something..?" Kokichi stuttered, he looked at Shuichi. "Hm... Just a hunch~!" Shuichi purred, he laid next to Kokichi, practically on top of him. Kokichi's face turned red as he put an arm around this sleepy frail boy. "Spit it out, Kokichi~" Shuichi chuckled as he looked up at Kokichi. Due to all the area leaders being out on a meeting, no one was constantly attacking your base because they couldn't act without orders. from their boss. 

"Shuichi.," Kokichi mumbled as he looked down at Shuichi, putting another arm around him, at this point they were practically cuddling. "He speaks!" Shuichi teased as he looked up at Kokichi, getting closer to his Ouma's face so that he could hear his soft mumbles. "What is it?" Shuichi asked in a whisper type tone blowing softly on Kokichi's ear. Ouma felt a chill run down his spine as he felt Shuichi blow on his hear, he blushed intensely. 

"Do you have a crush on anyone..?" 

Kokichi immediately regretted what he had said. Shuichi blushed lightly, "Kokichi..." Shuichi began as he looked up at Ouma, he felt tears threaten to spill out of his sparkling yellow-green eyes. Kokichi saw the way his eyes sparkled, he looked like he was about to cry. Ouma panicked and began to wipe Saihara's tears as they fell. "Was it.. was it something I said!?" Kokichi sputtered. "I've been waiting for you to ask... I've always known, Kokichi." Shuichi whispered smiling, Kokichi felt Saihara's heartbeat speed up. 

Kokichi blushed and looked away, "Have you really known this entire time..?" Kokichi mumbled as he kissed Shuichi's forehead, wiping his tears once again. Kokichi also began to cry, they were there on the living room couch, crying and laughing. "I'm sorry for never asking you," Ouma mumbled. "It's okay, Kokichi... But it has been 4 years since we became hit men, you've really kept this secret since grade school? I knew you were a good liar, but I didn't know you were this good.." Shuichi laughed and continued what he was saying in between giggles 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Saihara finished. Kokichi sighed, his blush faded "You.. You remember Kaede Akamatsu? From the all-girls school?" Kokichi asked. Ouma had always seen them hanging out after school, Shuichi would walk to her school, wait for her outside, then they'd walk home together. "I thought you liked her.," Kokichi said sadly still not looking at Saihara. Shuichi started to laugh silently "We were really good friends, being gay made it easier to have female friends, than male friends." Shuichi admitted. 

"That makes sense... We did go to an all boys school after all." Kokichi giggled. "I'm just glad you accepted my confession. Wait- you accepted my confession, right?" Ouma stuttered. Shuichi smiled at Kokichi and laughed.

"Yes, Kokichi. I accept." Shuichi said lovingly, they both kissed each other and pulled apart, looking each other in the eyes. "I love you," they told each other in unison.

Word Count: 1,395

(AN: I'm so sorry if you noticed how much their personalities changed.. I tried hard to keep it consistent, but like actually make it seem like they were actually in a post-apocalypse world. Sorry!!)

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