Ch. 1 How could You?

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I ran, and I will keep running I didn't care if my tears burned my eyes, or if my hair got ruined by the rain I will keep running. . My world seemed to be in slow motion, as the one i loved chased me. It's funny, because I'm usually the one chasing him. But things have changed, he won't love me, he never will, i wish I would have realized that sooner... so foolish Amy, so foolish.

"Amyyy!" He yelled for me, I wiped away a tear and turned to him. "You know, I've matured, I maybe 12, but I've really learned some things. You will never. .. EVER love .. Me." I swallowed as the words left my mouth, it hurt to say it. It burned and tore at my heart to say those words. Sonic stopped in his tracks and looked away from me, he gulped as if getting ready to say something. I looked at him my eyes red and puffy from crying.

"N - no..." he whispered. "What?" I asked wiping my tears trying to be strong. "Amy your right.. I don't think I can love you or if I ever will. " he said this quietly, but I heard... every.... single... word, loud and clear. I pushed him and made him look at me. "Good... leave" I whispered then looking away from his emerald green eyes. No more tears fell.. becuase I refuse to cry over him. I refuse.

How could you *Sonamy*Where stories live. Discover now