the only chapter

43 6 2

The assignment is to complete the following paragraphs into a story:

It's early morning and I walk to the fridge to get a drink of milk, because it has needed calcium for growing.

Opening the fridge door, I grab the new milk carton and bring it to the kitchen counter, so that I can grab a cup to pour some into.

As I turn the carton to pull the tab open, I pause when I see it.

MISSING plastered onto the side of the carton, with a beautiful face and haunting eyes staring at me in black and white ink.

In an unnerving familiarity.
BLvines continues:

"BaiEn? Could it be BaiEn Mu?!"

A look of shock was plastered on my face and I accidentally loosened my grip on the carton of milk, making it slip out of my hand and fall on the floor, exploding from the impact. The sudden explosion near my feet made me snap out of my haze.

"Shit! Look at all this mess!"

I picked up the exploded and now empty carton of milk from the floor. The outside of it was wet but the MISSING picture wasn't damaged except of a small tear under the handsome face in the picture. I wiped the surface of the picture carefully, not to damage it, and after making sure it's all dry, I began cleaning the floor of my kitchen with the mop I store next to the fridge. This habit, of keeping a mop in my kitchen where I can reach it easily, was formed after I met BaiEn Mu.

Who is BaiEn Mu?

BaiEn Mu used to be my high school sweetheart and was the reason I turned gay.

When I was a first year in high school BaiEn Mu was already a senior, 3 years older then I am. I wasn't that popular, good looking, smart or athletic while he was the captain of the tennis team, first in his class with his grades and sought after by girls for his good looks.

"This must be an old picture, but, how can a dead man be missing?"

Everything was finally clean again and I was now seating in my kitchen on a chair next to my dining table, looking at the picture on the carton which I cut out and was holding now in my hands. I ran my finger across the picture's surface, trailing the line of the handsome face in it a sad smile came on my face.

"This guy...I can still remember our first meeting."
(10 years ago)

I was sitting on a bench in the large yard of my school during lunch. The sun was high in the sky and the temperature was a bit hot, but the soft breezes of the wind cooled me down enough so I could seat under it. My eyes were closed and I was listening to my music in my earphones, nodding my head and tapping my foot according to the beat.

My school allowed the use of phones during lunch and since I still haven't made any friends, as it was only the first week after starting my freshman year here and I wasn't good at making connections with others, I decided to explore the yard of the school and hear some music.

"Hey, what are you listening to?"

A shadow suddenly blocked the sun and I opened my eyes to see the cause.

Missing You (BL) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now