A Laven Remedy~

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So I decided to write a story where Allen get's sick. Probably because I love angst, *ahem* anyways so as the name suggests it's a Laven story. Although there is some one-sided Yullen. (That one side being Kanda.) Sorry if it's terrible just a quick thought I had one day, I accept  flamming, but please don't be too  mean. Fluff!

Disclaimer: I do not own D.Gray-Man or any characters!

~3rd POV~
        Lavi knocked on Allen's door, he hasn't come out for 3 days after one of his missions. "Oi, Moyashi-chan? Are you okay?" he worried. He heard crashing, cursing, and shuffling behind his door. When the door opened Allen stood there, pale, flushed, and his breathing clipped. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked concern on his face. Allen said in a hoarse voice, "J.....Just fine."  he started coughing, staggering and held onto the door frame for balance. "That doesn't look like, 'fine'." Lavi walked forward and helped Allen back into the room, but Allen suddenly started tumbling over his own feet to get to the bathroom. He locked the door and a loud 'Thump' and a 'Splash'. "Did.....Did he just throw up? I need to help him...." he walked up to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. He decided to pick the lock, like he's done to Kanda's door many times. He grabs a bobby pin that was holding his bangs and carefully put it in the lock. He wiggled it around until he heard a 'click', "Yes!" he jumped in victory and turned the knob....

~Allen's POV~
        I sit on the floor of my bathroom, throwing up for the 5th time in 3 days. Hopefully Lavi didn't hear, I don't want to worry him... I hear a faint clicking that takes me out of my thoughts, is he trying to pick my lock? I guess he heard, unfortunately. I sit with my knees in my chest in the corner. When I finally hear a loud 'click', I get ready to be yelled at. I see the door open out of the corner of my eye and see him walk in, his face showed worry,  "Allen, tell me the truth. Are you okay?" Not trusting my voice I shook my head. He sighed and knelt beside me, "Then you should've said so. How long has this been going on?" I think for a second and respond, my voice hoarse. "3 days. This is at least the 5th time... I thought I was just getting a cold, so I just stayed in here." He shook his head, "Allen, it would go away faster if you got medicine for a cold." I cough and lean my head against his shoulder. "I didn't want to worry anyone. I can get some medicine now, if you can help me." I reasoned.

~Lavi's POV~

        I help Allen up so we can get medicine for his fever, he sways on his feet. I guess being sick took a lot out of him. I put an arm around his waist and put his arm across my shoulders. We start walking though his door, going down the corridor. "So, what'd you do in there for 3 days, while being sick?" I break the silence. He looks down awkwardly, "Umm.... Nothing, really. Read some books I got before my mission, laid around, and the usual sick people things." I nodded in understand, I stopped as we were in front of the infirmary. I smell the disinfectant and cringe. I take I step through the door and Allen gags, "That smell is disgusting." he chokes out. I just laugh and nod in agreement. The Head Nurse sees us and walks over, grumbling. "What did you do this time, boys?" I faked being hurt, "We didn't do anything this time! Honest! Allen just has a little cold and we came for medicine." She looks over at Allen and looks him up and down. She turns on her heel and walks to the cabinet, then Allen breathes a sigh of relief. "She's scary." he shudders out. I agree, she's even more scary than Yu-chan. She comes back with two pills. "These are for colds, but beware the side-effects. Some are: chills, fever, drowsiness, depression, and anxiety." she explains in her usual cold voice, handing the pills to Allen. Him and I nod and swallows the pills without hesitation. 

        On our way back to his room I ask him a question that's been on my mind for a while. "Want me to stay with you until you get better?" I ask, innocently. He looks at me in the eyes and shrugs, "If you want you, I just don't want to bother you with myself." he responds with his selfless-ness showing. I smile and ruffle his hair, 'Adorable' I think, blushing as I realize what I thought. "Lavi, are you okay?" Allen asks, worry in his silver-blue eyes. I snap out of my thoughts, "Yeah, Moyachi-chan. Just thinking." I stare the way were going and see his door, we walk to it and I open the door. Setting him on the bed, I take off his Exorcist coat and his boots, setting them off the bed. "Now, rest. I'll take care of you." I reassured. He nodded, sleep taking him over.

Ughhh, that was terrrible! I'm so sorry. It was something that popped into my mind. I might make it into a chaptered story, or not. Your guys' choice. Goodbye, for now~


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